To yeojjsg. For your information, my qns was "can you lower the price?" . Note that i wasn't going to say im won't buy it if it's not $100. I tot i was going to buy it at $250 until i went around asking and realise that the price can be lower as it's an old product. And mind you, u r trying to sell something, u dun expect some bargain do u ? What u r doing here is rather impolite. I did state in my email im looking for my 1st keyboard.
To mikemann. What makes you think i am a trader? Of cause everyone hope to sell away their stuff at a good price. Besides, i was new to these guitar gears. i did not try to sell my gear at a price more than wut i bought it for. give me the evidence im a bloody trader. If ure that good, y did u buy the guitar from me? i bought 1 efx and sold 1 guitar thru the classified ads. again, what makes u think im a trader. stop maligning me.
yeojjsg, im very disappointed by ur act. you did not even bother to tell me the price i quote is unreasonable to u . next time i shall just quote over the internet that ure a bloody cheater if i think that the price u r selling is unreasonable. again , i was new to keyboard.