Worker killed after jumping into tiger enclosure: Zoo

so lostwhispers - we really DO need to meet up to discuss this case further ... I will be down under from 1 Dec... :-)

Oh! Which state'll you be in? Well I'll be heading back to Singapore on the 3rd, and my "remaining days" here will be so busy with the moving of houses. Ugh... not really looking forward to it. I wish everything would just magically move itself with the snap of my fingers. Ah well...

Stickman: I didn't know it worked that way. Hm. I hope it doesn't pan out like that though. They're an endangered species and I'm quite sure it won't just be Singapore's environmentalist/animal rights people that'll have a say if they do put those tigers down.
Obviously the man wasn't in the right state of mind and though may have suicidal intentions, he wasn't planning in detail how he planned to die.

He was just going around aimlessly and irrationally and doing whatever he can to die, so I don't think he planned to get 'eaten' by tigers in full view of the public.

Maybe the only good thing is that the three tigers did not rip his flesh off and eat him there and then. Apparently, they were just curious on why he'd making the ruckus, and thus swiped him, and subsequently killed him with bites on his neck, but never really ate him.

I don't think it would have helped if they tried to immobilize the tigers with the tranquilizer darts because these things are not immediate, unless they have had the darts prepared for a tiger approximately that size that weight, right there and then.

The live rounds were probably to fire warning shots if the tigers turned to attack the vets or whoever it is, and subsequently as self-defense if things really got out of hand.

Well, that's as far as I what I can conclude after reading the report and seeing the video stills on The New Paper.
Oh! Which state'll you be in?

awwww ... I'll be in Aussieland 1-6 Dec ... but practically a continent apart from you dear - in Perth while you're at the other end.

Nice gesture on the part of the undertakers & cleaning company to pay for Mr Nordin's funeral (cost paid by cleaning company donated by funeral directors to his family), transport expenses + other donations to the family etc. I'm sure his family is in need of the finances.
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some tigers can be TRAINED TO RELAK ONE CORNER (WORD CHANGED BY UNPOPULAR REQUEST :-) )... as this pix of my friends with their feline encounter some what proves..

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It'll be harder to get jobs at the zoo now. Sure kena go thru rigorous aptitude/mental test. Better chance to get job as SQ cadet pilots :)
A Singaporean tourist was killed by a tiger in an Indonesian zoo a few years ago. Happened during a posing and photoshoot session with the tiger. Apparently she slipped and startled the tiger which was already in an irritable mood. Anyone remember that incident?
It'll be harder to get jobs at the zoo now. Sure kena go thru rigorous aptitude/mental test. Better chance to get job as SQ cadet pilots :)

It was difficult enuff 2 begin with - I applied for a marketing position some years back & after 3 interviews, I still didnt get the job - the process was through and rigerous as far as I can remember - including an aptitude test.
A Singaporean tourist was killed by a tiger in an Indonesian zoo a few years ago. Happened during a posing and photoshoot session with the tiger. Apparently she slipped and startled the tiger which was already in an irritable mood. Anyone remember that incident?

omg, so sad.
do you have any links?

i really hate this sort of incident deaths.
damn suay.
when actually so many other people deserve to die then they kana for no reason.
OMG. the pic of the tiger ^^^ is bloody cute! looks like my cat! hahaha. bloody cute. sorry for going off topic.

oh yeah, they continued the story in today's newspaper.
shit happens when you use animals for your entertainment @_@


p.s I went to a zoo in Shenzhen once and they had this cage full of tigers and you could stick food in with a rod and they'll eat it. Like right infront of you, only seperated by a metal 'fence'. The secondary school football field that kind of fence.

Their death growl freaking scary siol! Animal Planet + your TV speakers don't do the growls justice. Own any death/black metal vocalist anyday.
I remember being like 8 or something and being in South Africa.
And I went to the zoo, and there was like this petting session or something, where you could take photos with the lions as well. Then this baby lion scratched my wrist and I had a small wound, then they put some acid on my arm which was even more pain than the scratch, to I guess kill the bacteria or something.
Just my little story.
And that photo above is so cute.
Then this baby lion scratched my wrist and I had a small wound, then they put some acid on my arm which was even more pain than the scratch, to I guess kill the bacteria or something.

Acid??? LOL, are you sure you want acid on your wound? >.<

Ah, according to the Strait Times, the two female tigers are stressed and apparently, the male tiger had no interest in the cleaner. Hmmm. I doubt there's a need to improve security because it's not everyday we get to see someone climbing over a 1.5m fence just to get to the tigers.

I just hope the tabloids will stop exaggerating the news. -.-
Well I'm not sure what it was, but it did make a sizzling sound on my skin. And I was 8, of course I didn't put it, the zookeepers put it.

That guy was trying to be a Ancient Rome gladiator , he tried to fight off the tigers with a broom and pail!!


finally a chance to use the tiger beer tag line :D

Honestly , i think he shouldn't had stained that white tiger with his blood, its quite inconsiderate. There are many other ways to die , he should have considered gassing himself.
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Aye, cool it guys. It's already sad and stupid enough that he got killed by the tigers. :/ Let him rest in peace!

Don't watch the videos if they are ever posted online. Sick!