Worker killed after jumping into tiger enclosure: Zoo

Anyone got any idea where to get the uncensored shocking asia and faces of death vcd or dvd or any clips?

EH! i remember i had a vcd in my house " Faces of death" with a skull infront clearly when i was in Primary School!
BUT... i used the front picture to scare my sis and i'd never fail to scare the shit outta her.Until one fine day my mum caught me red handed and broke that vcd into two infront my my sis to show her how its gone rofl .hahahhaa too badddd :(

Anyway, r.i.p to that dude that was ripped. cant possibly put the blame on those lean mean killing machines.White tigers are dang hawt.
Anyone got any idea where to get the uncensored shocking asia and faces of death vcd or dvd or any clips?

TRY JB Pelangi Plaza... when i was last there about 2 months back - the dude selling the DVD had the ENTIRE faces of death series + a bonus "Best of faces of Death" DVD - each going at RM5 ...

How you gonna bring back to SG ... now thats another problem
Honestly , i think he shouldn't had stained that white tiger with his blood, its quite inconsiderate. There are many other ways to die , he should have considered gassing himself.

Absolutely nothing in this incident renders a human life any less valuable and to be made fun of.

Though we do not know the full story, it does not make it any more ok to laugh at anybody involved in this tragedy.

The world can really do with a bit more compassion, love and basic humanity.
today's SUNDAY newpaper - got more pix & stories ... + the funeral pix in East Malaysia & all

whats this faces of death about. i think i may have watched it before.
i didn't know you were so bo liao keith LOL.

damn. the people watching the incident at the zoo must've been peeing in their pants.
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Faces of death - its a vid documentary showing gory ways ppl (and animals too) die - accidents / executions etc etc ... pretty GORY stuff - the autopsy vid particulary grossed me out (back then when I first watched it with aquanaut who was loving evry minute of the show)
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The Zoo is Opened.I wanna see the Tigers there.Maybe the spirit may come back & wanna discuss his problems with us & he can RIP.
In case anyone don noe what is RIP=Rest In Peace. was the shite..until it became host to politics and now it's ultra crap.

anyway RIP to the poor fellow..probably was too angry or sad or a derivative of either/both.
aye, the worker who jumped into the enclosure was an absolute idiot. he was an even bigger idiot to even PROVOKE them. being with animals (dogs) a lot myself, i know that nothing pisses them more by showing signs of aggression.

i still don't get it. if he had mental problems like this earlier on, wouldn't his colleagues have already taken notice of it and maybe try to help him out? or if they already did, why didn't they keep an eye out on him?
everything has a reason behind it, as stated he has mental problems thus the reason for his provoking act? let him get L.T.R.I.P( laid to rest in peace) lah haha
He 'provoking' the tigers a personal conclusion of yours or a irrefutable fact laid out by reporters or those who really knew what exactly was going on?

I don't even know if there's absolutely anybody who knew exactly what went on, with his mental state or otherwise.

You'd be surprised to know the suicide statistics in Singapore, and you'd be more surprised to know some of the reasons people end their lives.

The man who died here may have just tried to ward off the tigers by waving his pail and stick, after regretting entering the enclosure and not provoking them.

Don't jump to conclusions and insult somebody who died in a tragedy like this, no matter how strange the circumstances, no matter how low your IQs are.
Everyone have a Tiger beer and chillax.

wow. just goes to show that without our intelligence, we humans are really KENTAL BOPLEH. Thankfully we are smart(usually).