Worker killed after jumping into tiger enclosure: Zoo

ok lah...

ok lah... i prefer them to be free. but then by today's situation, they'll probably end up as someone's carpet, and their genitals as tonics.



I hope the tigers don't get the blame, after all they're doing what nature makes them do. But knowing some people, they'll demand the tigers to be shot. According to the newspapers, he used a broom to agitate the tigers first...
anyway - this is the only Tiger I'm gonna be touching tonight, just before my first set:

Sick picture.. not feeling well and I feel my mee soto riding up my throat now... :S

I ve seen a real one before - skin with veins and alldried up ... some foreign mofo was passing by Dan studios trying to sell it - kena f*** by all of us .. we nearly wanted to hammer the b******
yep bro ... my original title was ; WHAT A WAY TO GO

Not bad sia, seems like moderators are doubling as editors also. FOC somemore. We are lucky people!

Regarding TNP, yeah i guess i am just disgusted by the fact that when something tragic happens they will blow it up without a shred of conscience or thought to the victim or their families.

In fact I can easily imagine that each time they hear a story like a kid getting murdered or raped or something equally shocking they probably cheer and rub their hands in glee in the office, cos they know it's gonna be another big selling edition.

And what's with the huge fonts on the front page every time. Are they implying that their readers are so slow or have such a low attention span that they will only read it if it's font 45?
We should not put down the tigers, it was not their fault.

We should not blame the zoo, they did their best.

We should not blame New Paper, they are after all just a tabloid.

We should point the finger to Siegfried and Roy. Their shows probably screwed up the man's brains making him want to jump into a white tiger enclosure.

Ouch. Must be one of the most painful suicides ever.

Also the best way to get printed in the newspaper if that was what he was aiming for. His 24 hours of fame at the papers!!!
damn, and my mum was laughing when she read the news flash.
i'm like going omg.
and then suddenly a vid i seen of a parachuter landing on a pool of chrocs can into my mind.

i think that vid was from faces of death.
anyone seen that movie?
it's like compilation of different ways of dying.
some real some fake.

but this is the 3rd freakest death i know.
the 1st was that parachuter ( if it is real)
the 2nd was the singer of beyond. ( japanese game show)
what a way to die..well,he was stupid for jumping in they have closed the white tigers exhibit for now...
anyway,nothing will happen to the tigers.they are endangered species..
and then suddenly a vid i seen of a parachuter landing on a pool of chrocs can into my mind.
i think that vid was from faces of death.
anyone seen that movie?

yeah ..that was some sick shiite in there - the jumper (with circus music in the background) was the worst and the autopsy scenes of course - yeccch:mad:
wooh faces of death is the shit man....
there was a clip where a bear mauled this ripped her apart ...some sick shit i tell you..
I think he's trying to put Singapore named down . From out Singapore Zoo has open , nth happen somemore singapore zoo is no. 1 man .