Worker killed after jumping into tiger enclosure: Zoo

I think the keepers should have guns loaded with tranquilizer darts instead of live rounds.

To shoot the animals or to shoot the idiot before he gets to the tigers? :p

I wouldn't call it a tragedy if his intention was really suicide, cos he got what he wanted anyway. It was intentional, not accidental. It's not like someone got killed while not trying to get killed, like say while standing beside a bear cage or something.
That's why I can't stand the New Paper, it's a bloody tabloid that feeds off sensationalistic stories and they will milk them for whatever it's worth.

And regarding fgl's post, is it true that a moderator changed his subject title??? If it is , what's that about?
wahlau. cannot lah like that. educational visits to the zoo are giving chances for them to see the rare white tigers with their very own eyes, right in front of them. the zoo should have installed cctv cameras in their vicinity.
Well these tigers should not be in the zoo in the first place.


1. In circuses where they are kept under shoddy conditions for our entertainment: NO

2. As private collector's illegal pets: NO

3. On some big gamE hunter's trophy board: NO

4 ZOO: err why not? Closest they are gonna get to being in the wild.


1. In circuses where they are kept under shoddy conditions for our entertainment: NO

2. As private collector's illegal pets: NO

3. On some big gamE hunter's trophy board: NO

4 ZOO: err why not? Closest they are gonna get to being in the wild.

It's not their home bro, it's just like putting a man in prison.
It's not their home bro, it's just like putting a man in prison.

I second what he said about it not being their home. But I don't reckon it's like a prison. It's more like a public display, like an actor that's trapped on stage. Your feeding times are fixed, your type of food is fixed, you get rubbish thrown at you sometimes, etc. Yea, maybe white tigers or most animals don't have the ability to understand that, but I reckon it's still cruel to keep them in zoos. Wild life safaris (not bloody Night Safari, I'm talking African safaris here with the open plains and lack of enclosures) are a much better place than zoos because the nature has a better chance of playing itself out.

BUT on to the matter at hand, wow, that's quite disturbing news. I don't reckon it's a tragedy if it's a suicide but because the man was supposedly "disturbed" and "acting weirdly", it probably wasn't intentional and that he probably couldn't have helped himself. :(
It's not their home bro, it's just like putting a man in prison.

yes, point taken bro. At least their dietry, health and enviroment requirements are taken into consideration. A small sacrifice for us humans to observe wildlife up close & personal.

However in the long run, wildlife should go wild .... so the animal lover in me can relate to your point
he couldnt have done it intentionally...

I think he did bro ..I mean why wud anyone in a sane state of mind wanna jump into a tiger enclosure, wade through the water and attract the attention of the tigers?

After the first swipe - he probably realised that it was gonna be a PAINFUL way to die. I mean RIP the poor dude but no normal human being would wanna do such a thing..