

New member
since i read abt review from u all......just wondering......what are ur job status.....or are u all still studying.....
for me im 22 and still in NYP taking engineering informatic.....
so any1 care to share
i'm 17 this year and currently hoping to get into La Salle SIA's Music Technology Course.If not then i'll settle for Real Estate Business at Ngee Ann Poly...

so basically i'm juz waiting for my music tech audition results to be announced....
19, Temasek Poly. <--- shit school with a music cca which doesn't allow music with distortion in it *spits*
ha...not even mild drive...? then shred with a clean tone lol...i think that would be really cool...babe magnet...haha...
Jem007 said:
ha...not even mild drive...? then shred with a clean tone lol...i think that would be really cool...babe magnet...haha...

No really, it's sad :(
*recalls the time a band jammed Sweet child without a bassist...
really ah.......what would happen if you kick in the distortion and chug some metal riffs or let rip a solo....? what can they do to YOU muahaha..
Old fella, Software Engineer... programming, servers and all that kinda crap... but I love 'em! Kinda tiring, actually... so, when got the time (rarely), I pluck at 'em strings...

Dhalif : all day looonnnnggg, indeed....
Jem007 said:
really ah.......what would happen if you kick in the distortion and chug some metal riffs or let rip a solo....? what can they do to YOU muahaha..

You get f***ed, simple as that :cry:
really.....then f*** the group la...what's worse than being unable to unleash the beast inside of you.....but like i said,ha if cannot then shred with a clean tone...sure they can't say much...haha..
thats wat i luv abt this forum.....u give a thread....and they go on toking abt other things.....hahahha....but its cools.....i wont be surprise some1 speak out or tok abt P.A.P in the end.....hahahah
ya, please stay within the original question. 8)

me? 1972, now running my own multimedia company.
turning 18 this year. Stuck in another shit school called Shit Poly. My classmates sucks and i wanna shoot some of them.

Mr Soft, this may u need part timers? to do odd jobs etc???? :lol:
16, gotten into new media at rp. bt i think i am gonna transfer to SP media and comm or ngee ann FSV