Wind controllers users - any out there?


Curious: how many wind controllers users are out there? Please share which controller you are using and your experience playing it!

My Morrison Digital Trumpet just arrived last week. I'm really thrilled! Still trying to get used to using it, as it plays very differently from a real trumpet. But already, I'm loving it. Esp the cool blue light emitting from the sides!




About S$2000. That is the cost of a good acoustic trumpet. Will post when I have the time. Still trying to get used to it. It doesn't use embouchure change to alter pitch but buttons using the left hand. Therefore it's hard to play fast passages due to the buttons. And I find myself changing embouchure naturally like playing a real trumpet, which actually affects the expressiveness and control. They also have 3 assignable levers controlled by the left thumb (ie the hole) - nice design.

I find I can do natural vibrato easily without their vibrato lever (ie using my lips) - much better than a real trumpet. And being able to play saxophone etc sounds is fun. There's a lot of tweakability on this thing - lots of editing functions deep into the core. Still trying to program and customise the different cc midi controllers to the right levers and buttons to match my softsampler. I've programmed one lever for shakes (Finally, I can do those high C shakes without...shaking!). I'm going to progam another lever for growl. Haven't decided on whether I should program one for flutter tongue since it's not used that often. Probably one for falls.

Really fun.
Wow didn't know such things even existed. Looks rad hah. I'd love to see a video of you playing/tweaking around with it, looks so fascinating with the LED's.
Anybody tried out the new Akai USB EWI?

tangcw00, are you an acoustic wind player yourself? Difficult to switch over to electronic version of a wind instrument?
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This looks like it can be used in Star Wars.

And pardon me, the blue lights reminded me of the handphones used by ah bengs abt 10 yrs ago, no? :mrgreen:
I was actually very worried whether it will past customs. It would look like a sub-machine gun if pointed the wrong way.

As for the blue light, it's actually quite nice in real life. The pictures doesn't do it service. Cool blue. There are other lights that are not shown. There is a series of different coloured LEDs in the upper slope of the "bell" to indicate to the player which octave is the note going to be played. This is necessary (and helpful) since the octaves are no longer controlled by embouchure.
No lah. It's never meant to replace the real thing. It's meant to be a controller for any synthesized sounds that may benefit from continuous and dynamic expression control.

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