Who`s your all time fav music artist?


New member
For me, it would have to be Michael Jackson. Yeah, I know he`s a weird guy and all but u cant deny the fact that he`s musically talented from his younger days then to the 80s. I`ve been listening to his records back in the early 90s. Recently, just found out how to moonwalk and in the privacy of my own room, I would attempt (unsuccessfully) at copying his dance moves of that famous Billie Jean concert, where he debuted the moonwalk, like the spin, hat throwing and of coz the moonwalk..: P

And I`m a guitarist myself but every now and then, like to groove to his music...: )

So wat`s yours?
i would say... BEE GEEZ!!!!! i still love staying alive and too much heaven.
mine has got to be THE BEETLES, they are the first band that i know of after my dad introduce me 2 them when i was a small child...got hocked on 2 music ever since...
haziq said:
mine has got to be THE BEETLES, they are the first band that i know of after my dad introduce me 2 them when i was a small child...got hocked on 2 music ever since...

dude you just spelt the name of your all time fav band wrongly
all of my favourites are already up there.... the beatles, michael jackson, and of course john mayer....... hmmmm....