Who, in your opinion, is the Master of Impossible Guitar?

blahblah said:
thousands can sound like becker or malmsteen :lol:

malmsteen yes, becker no. how many pple have you heard covering becker anyway? even if they can do his uber-shred stuff, I'd bet my last dollar they can't do Air.
my personal fav has always been Allan Holdsworth- the master's master...

vernplum said:
subversion said:
my personal fav has always been Allan Holdsworth- the master's master...


Holdsworth - indeed. No one can touch him.

"Hands Up!" It's Allan Holdsworth indeed! Just listen to the track called "Devil Take the Hindmost" from Metal Fatigue done in the mid 80's and this was before he started going in guitar synths! Even Vai himself admitted that Holdsworth's articulation and tone of the note choices in the solo section was a struggle for him.

Everyone including Van Halen, Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen and the whole school of shred acknowlege Holdsworths wizardry.

The amazing Allan Holdsworth in name is an institution itself. Self taught he described himself as a guitarist striving to expand the instrument's capabilities by combining chordal textures like Thelonius Monk and solo with the harmonic and dynamic range of Sax greats like John Coltrane and Charlie Parker. He has IMHO succeeded and has gone way beyond his original ambitious musical intent with such magnificence.

Glad to know other Holdsworth fans here too!

Francesco Fareri - Sure his stuff sounds like crap but there sure aren't many people that can play stuff as fast or technical as him
rusty cooley is a michael angelo batio wannabe..haahaha, but he is fast enough to be on the top 10 list of fastest shredders, but michael angelo still tops it...

for speed alone, no one comes close to Michael Angelo, for bizarre tricks he does...no one thinks of coming close..lol..the way he flips his hand over and under the fretboard while playing, the way he crosses his arms to play, the way he can hold a right handed guitar to the left side and play it, and then continue to cross his arms and play...AT SHRED SPEED...oh my...not to mention his double and quad guitars! and his 29 fret rocket guitar...hahaha...i'm always awed when i see his videos... 8O
Might not be true.. Fareri does claim he plays with emotion with the aim to inspire though..
I'm talking about his technique. Lots of pple say he's too sloppy and misses lots of notes, but he covers it up with excessive distortion. I read this in the petrucci forum.
i guess everyone will get criticized in one way or another....i think even the master of masters will probably get criticised for not having a life...eg. spending 99% of his time playing guitar