Which type Ibanez Guitar to buy??I like playing Avenged sevenfold..


New member
Guys need help buying guitar , I thought of buying Ibanez guitar but which of these brands do you think is good to play Rock / metal songs?? GRX20 or GRG150 or GRG 170DX ???

List of the things I want:

H S H pickup

Tremolo FAT10 bridge

And by the way , Izzit important to have Single coil in H S H pickups when playing those kind of songs?? Opinions and suggestions appreciated..

Budget $400/inc amp
if you have a thing for Ibanez, they are indeed worthy servants but if it's avoidable, try not pick a non-GIO model. i have nothing against the GIO guitars, i used to own a few, but i'd recommend only these 3 for matters pertaining to good tone/ tuning stability:

Yeah Go for RG!..Or Go for Gibson or fender..Anyway FaizalHacker.Whats wrong with you hand when you play guitar?
Yeah Go for RG!..Or Go for Gibson or fender..Anyway FaizalHacker.Whats wrong with you hand when you play guitar?

Gibson and Fender a bit too high lah bro.. Plus he said he wanted an Ibanez..
My suggestion? Scout for second hand units for the RG series.. Or raise your budget by a lil bit..
as oppossed to merely suggexting alternative brand names for the thread starter, we could be more objective to his needs.
hey there threadstarter(:
im a noob, i just got my first guitar, the ibanez sa120 from sweelee.
i've seen people playing unholy confessions and other a7x songs on it, and it's sounds pretty good(:
i paid about 500 for the guit, (heh cant say exact price eh), so it's pretty reasonable.
when i went there 3 days ago, the RGs are about 700+ after discount if im not wrong.
take my reply with a pinch of salt yeah,
cos im a girl who can only play the intro of smoke on the water, very, very slowly, after 2 days.

check this out too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkTDFU2VUZo
