Which type Ibanez Guitar to buy??I like playing Avenged sevenfold..

I also have an RG321 which unfortunately does not belong to me, but I really love its versatile tone as well, so you might want to consider an RG fixed series. It has a fixed bridge so its much simpler and gives the amount of sustain you'd need for A7x stuff.

Hmm..wif 400 hard siaz..unless u get a 2nd hand RG series..i bought an RG321MH frm my friend (to mie this guitar cn easily satisfy ur taste..coz i play avenged sevenfold songs too)..i tink shuld try to avoid GIO series siaz..but tts how i feel luh..=]]

Gd luck yea?
Merry belated Xmas!!!
but for playing lead on A7X songs , must i use single coil or humbucker on the treble pickup?? bcoz GSA60 only have H S S pu.... i wanna the sound for playing lead nice and without buzzing....

I tink i will oni recommend the RG and all the S series..they are rly the cheap yet decent kinda guitars la..this AGAIN is my opinion..y nt u go out there and try the guitars by URSELF?wif people online advising u..u'll still nvr noe what u rly lyk afterall..giv it a shot..swee lee is a start xDD


Yea i urge u to get a schecter..n dun be so sure that u'll stick to avenged sevenfold for long man..i'm an A7X fan too..being a guitarist,we shouldnt juz stick to one band..try listening to others man..n one more thing..dun get that frikken GIO series pls..the floating trem goes out of tune once u use it la..GIOs are nt even considered Ibanez man..lmao..wad's my point??Its NOT WORTH the cash dude..lastly..lyk i said..try out guitars on UR OWN..that's the best way to see which guitar satisfy ur needs.

cheers and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!=DD
not all GIOs are rubbish. this series get bad mouthed by people who can't get any good out of any models they play, in any case, the non-whammy models perform better than the rest.
i have utmost respect for the LTD series 50 models- great for the money. i'd rather this than a GIO (no offence Ibanez fans, i have too many Ibanez guitars myself...).

if you don't whammy, consider the other series 50 models: Eclipse/ EX
i guess u meant LTD.

and uh , no, its not a MUST. Just try the guitars and see which one u like ah. Other ppl might like what you dont.
like i said , i dont think there is a better or lousier. Its more about which one u prefer more. Like , you cant say a dimarzio tonezone is better than a Dimarzio super distortion because its 2 different types of sound. So , i'd say again, go try and see which you like more. =)
After all.. I bought the ESP LTD M-50...yeah feels good..nice neck...just $299...Any of you using it??share me some experience ideas abt the guitar..
i have the mh-50 model.nice guitar.the stock pups are really nice.takes high-gain quite well.never tried to be versatile on the guitar but i believe it can pull some great bluesy sounds.if yours is the floyd model then be very patient when playing and restringing.
After all.. I bought the ESP LTD M-50...yeah feels good..nice neck...just $299...Any of you using it??share me some experience ideas abt the guitar..

I have a LTD Viper-50 myself and it's great for its price. It should be almost the same as your M-50, except for its body shape. Sound good with high gain and has quite good playability (low string action, etc). Only complaint is that mine has a heavy headstock and it keeps pointing downwards if you wear it on a cloth strap. Might need a leather strap instead to keep it in place.