Which store sell guitar strings cheapest?

my choice of strings seems to be the same price so far... Ernie Ball Super Slinky... $6.50... Ranking at Bras Basah n Music Themes at peninsula
$6.50 huh. davis sells them for $6.40
hah.. 10cents less... :lol:
d'addario is $5.50 if i remember correctly.
i switched to d'addario since they're the cheapest i know so far.
anyone else know of cheaper strings?
d'addardio at davis..davis sells them at $5.50 while jade music also at penin sells d'addardio at $7.50[/b]
pst pst. i think the prices over at ranking are relatively cheap. I like. :lol: Now using GHS Infinity Steel(L)..

taken from ghsstrings.com
"We begin with the finest of raw materials and then use a finely-regulated coating process called MST™ (Metal Surface Treatment). This unique technology coats the outer wires which are then wrapped around a high quality core wire maximizing tone and endurance."

Erhmm sound quality is still good. Eventhough i bought it about 4 months ago. =/ Can't remember the price though. hahax

Erhm. Maybe the shops have this ideology of 'i'll sell cheaper if its NOT GOOD.'

But then again. people's choice lah whether they want to sell it cheap cheap.
Try window-shopping first.. :D
i got all my strings at $3.90 .9 gauge..luther..fender brand..so far its been months.. rust is minimal..
uzzo88 said:
i got all my strings at $3.90 .9 gauge..luther..fender brand..so far its been months.. rust is minimal..

soul_eupohria: he said he bought it from Luther. in case you dont know, that's a guitar shop in excelsior hotel basment

frankly, would you guys really hunt high and low to only save 10c on a pack of strings? if you change strings so often that the 10c can multiply to $10 a mth, maybe it's justified. BUT in that case, might as well do what subversion does - buy a box of them (50 in each box i think), you'll get each string cheaper cos they save on packaging.

just my 2c
Me using GHS boomers for years now mainly the 0.09 & 0.10 for different guitars.Reali good strings imo and it doesn't stretch or rust too fast. :P
yeah been using them on the all my guitars.. be it acoustic or electric.. all good for a few months till they loose the slinky feel.. but IMHO slinkys are still bang for buck.. both comfort..and sound..and yes these fender strings are from luther..
Just a note friends, especially those who aren't familiar with the various prices,

Refrain from buying strings or tuners or anything(to be safe) from Symphony Music School. There is one at Causeway Point.

Their prices for strings are almost double the normal market price.

For Dean Markley Blue-steels,
Davis - $8.00
Symphoney - $15.75

Don't think the issue here should be cost.

But it should be.

2) Longevity
3) Cost

You can buy the most expensive stirngs, and then they don't go well with your body's chemical make up? 3 days, blackened liao... its still a waste.

Grab cheapo strings, that have crap tone but seem to last long... more power to you if you like it like so.

Personally, I hate a'daddarios. I think they have very horrid tone... but thebiggest no no is that they rust very fast in my hands.

I use DR strings now. What, 2 bucks more than d-addario? Simple, don't need to buy a drink for a lunch. :wink: