Which overdrive??

edder said:
goose, what you're suggesting now is like finding a cure for AIDS.

I've been championing www.google.com for years. Hell, I'll even be a free google.com advocator!

Lets not start talking about old days. It'll make us look like coffee shop old farts with armpit stained pagoda tshirts and blue boxer shorts drinking Tsing Tao at 3pm.

Please smoke in the yellow box. Thanks!
Sigh, I only tried one Goose pedal a looooonnnnnnggggggg time ago. I is needs to visit Pathein bro's abode to go thru his collection. :(

Danelectro Daddy O Overdrive.

PM me if you wanna test mine out.

Music plaza not selling anymore, but I'm not sure.

but if you do have $365, I'd put your money on the Electro Harmonix English Muff'n.
personally... im using Xotic BB preamp for humbucker guitars...

and barber direct drive ss for single coil guitars... these two work great for me.. you should check em out
hehe, he shud put more stuff inside the eternity.


That would prob make me buy one and then start hailing it as the greatest od ever, without ever knowing there's an op amp inside.

Damn. :lol:
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
actually whats so bad about the op amp?

I prefer the more open tone of mosfets, jfets (those are trannies right?), op amps always sound more boxed up and has this mid hump there.