Which Guitar should i get? Opinions PLEASE (:


New member
Ok. Im thinking of getting a new guitar. Either a Japanese Fender Strat 72' or the Gibson Les Paul Double Cut Plus.

Fender Cost about 800-900
Gibson Cost about 1.7k-1.8k
(prices of the guitar from ppl i want to buy from. Not Stock Price!)

I have about 2.9k and i wanna get a 600 bucks marshall amp and some other effx.

If i get the Fender, i can happily get my self 6-10 pedals.
With the Gibson, i can get 3-6.
(prices of pedals varies)

So im really in a dilemma:confused: of which one should i get. Please help out :-D

Thnx alot!


Ps: 600 marshall amp only could i be bought if i go for the Fender.
And Minus 400 bucks cos i needa do something with it. Thnx
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hmm. another compare the guitar/which guitar should I get thread.
well, first thing first, a Fender Stratocaster and Gibson Les Paul are two very different types of guitar. we are unable to compare two different kinds of guitar. it's just like comparing a bowl of laksa to a plate of nasi lemak.

u're just another lucky kid that got a big budget to start with. my suggestion is to go all out and test all the different guitars u see. when u asked here, all u see are words. u cant feel them.

it's a very good idea to get a really good amp. if u still do not know, a nice drive or distortion is just the amp+guitar singing, u know like the acapella. but nonetheless effects are really useful and also very much a necessity nowadays. i would suggest u get a multi-effects pedal like the Zoom G9.2tt or the POD X3 Live to play around with them. unless u are super sure what kind of sound u want to go for, u can, well go straight to analog pedals.

just my 2 cents.
hmm. another compare the guitar/which guitar should I get thread.
well, first thing first, a Fender Stratocaster and Gibson Les Paul are two very different types of guitar. we are unable to compare two different kinds of guitar. it's just like comparing a bowl of laksa to a plate of nasi lemak.

u're just another lucky kid that got a big budget to start with. my suggestion is to go all out and test all the different guitars u see. when u asked here, all u see are words. u cant feel them.

it's a very good idea to get a really good amp. if u still do not know, a nice drive or distortion is just the amp+guitar singing, u know like the acapella. but nonetheless effects are really useful and also very much a necessity nowadays. i would suggest u get a multi-effects pedal like the Zoom G9.2tt or the POD X3 Live to play around with them. unless u are super sure what kind of sound u want to go for, u can, well go straight to analog pedals.

just my 2 cents.

hehe. its not big budget. i save very long long le. hahas. i kept a tgm acoustic for many years and saving. so i think i can flush it on a guitar that i really desire :)

thnx for help though
lol why are u comparing a japan fender to a gibson.
u should compare like a american 70's reissue to the gibson . By u're statement u make fender look cheap >_>
imo if you go with the fender, instead for buying TEN pedals for whatever reason, that money should go to your amp so you can get a top-end one.
u shud go and test both guitars.''feel'' the guitar. if u go with gibson, why dun u get a pedal set? not one by one.
Why limit yourself to a merely fender and gibson? If I were you, I'd skip the Les Paul unless if you're not into shredding then I guess the LP's fine.
first tell us: why the two above-mentioned guitars? influence? sound? feel? looks?

and yeah what marshall amp?
i suggest u get a top end(according to your taste) that can last you for a long time.

pedals can always be bought one by one. u dont have to splurge all at once unlike the amp. so put more consideration on the amp. well if u have done so, ignore this.
I don't believe in splurging on a bedroom amp if you want to focus more on gigging. Get 2 GOOD drive pedals. 1 O/D 1 Dist. The bedroom amp is more for practicing, you want good portable tone. Make sure you get a good guitar too, I suggest you take a look at Jacksons as well.
Wah, since Dime say like that... RG, TOTALLY SHREDDING~! (theres HSH for versatility)

But no larz... Hahaha... What sort of sounds are you currently looking for? Pop? Rock? METAL!!! (paiseh, too excited...)

Marshall!!! Yes, I recommend JCM800, or the new Randall Kirk Hammett... (I'm soooooooo biased...) if you like to play something around rock and METAL!!! (arghz... the genes...) You also need a matching cab, so yeah, remember... (You can't just get the head only...)

As for pedals, NO NEED SO MANY LARZ!!! I got only 1 pedal, so far, and can get some decent sounds (even with a lousy amp... just needs more time tweaking... not sparkling, but decent...). Its better to get the comfortable guitar, plug it into your desired amp, try out. If can, bring home play a month or so... feel like you require certain items to bring out that sound in your head, then head down to look for pedals.
If i get the Fender, i can happily get my self 6-10 pedals.
With the Gibson, i can get 3-6.
(prices of pedals varies)


Do you really need that many pedals??? I'm personally happy with just 4!!! Distortion/Overdrive, Wah, Delay and Chorus! (of course, the amp itself must have reverb!)

But when it boils down to the crunch, just a nice OD coupled with the amp's drive would be suficient.
Right, ^^ listen above. 2900 is not a lot when u talking guitar stuff. every little bit adds up, haha.

For me... 1200> decent amp. or even just 1k, second hand vox ac15cc i think can get.

the rest of 1700- 700 second hand fender jap strat, 1000> maybe like 3 kickass pedals?
LPs cannot shred meh?

Cannnnn, how hard is it to shred is a whole different matter altogether, the disgustingly blocky heel and the fhumongous neck, throw in a virtually non-existent cutaway... Yea, the LP is like the Porsche of the guitar world, totally overrated, round and ugly.

-ignore this post if you disagree with me, because i absolutely hate les pauls.
Actually, that budget is VERY decent... One Edwards + one Laney or One Fender MIJ + one Orange amp will be sufficient.
Wah, cannot have strat with Vox AC15 (Handwired) meiz... lol... Not better? Orange, unless get the Rockoverb/Tiny Terror or dunno wat name one...

Laney... hmmmm, since he picked Marshall I was thinking he would go brit type tone... Vox more appropriate :D