which basic chords you guys learnt first??


New member
hi all, please share your views and experiences with the basic chords for beginners....which chords you learnt first and which chord is more important??
I have only managed to memorised the position of fingers for major A,C,D,E,F and G chords but havent memorise which strings to stroke....:mrgreen:
I just whack, lol. Strumming different strings got different sound, can experiement with that. :D

I only remember my powerchord positions XD
For me I learn A, E, G, D, Minor, Major and 7th chords. Then C, B, F.
power chord only for electric guitar??or acoustic also got??
anyway anyone know how to place the 1st finger for B chord??saw the youtube video and it seems to me is it placing directly on top of the 2nd fret for the 5th string only??so does that mean no need 2 fingers to press the 1st and 5th strings on the 2nd fret??:confused:
For the B Chord you'll have to barre (like press down all the strings) across the 2nd fret from the 5th string onwards and use your 2 3 4, for the other notes on the 4th fret.

You could try learning the C A G E D system and such, helps you learn the various positions of these chords.
i luv Em the most....:mrgreen:
hate the F...(it seems my 1st finger can only managed to press either 1st or 2nd string)
B still not faimiliar with it yet...

Yeah I've learnt G, D, Em, C as my first chords too. I was able to play quite a bit of songs with that and it motivated me to learn more.

I started learning the major, minor, 7th, add9 & sus chords. but now i have to refer to the guitar chords in my hp. forgotton most of it as i playing metal riffs & leads most of the time.
When I first played the guitar, I just learn progression chords and they are :
Am Dm G C F Bm E

Infact, many older songs use this progression...like for instance "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor.

Enjoy learning!!
G, A and D.

My music teacher back in sec 2 made us learn the song, Leaving on a jet plane.

Wished I took it seriously then. :(
do ur scales to ur fingers bleed.
alternate picking and tremolo till your strings snaps
drink lots of milk
work on ur finger strength and stretch them
and finally,
improvise your solo.

oh. haha. started G, D, C and A. The almighty chords
when practising basic chords,not all the strings need to be stroke...how about when practising strumming,do we stroke all strings regardless of which chord or die die need to follow the stated strings for each chord??