Where can I purchase an e-bow?


New member
I've been searching for one for a long long time, so please don't tell me to research on my own. So that aside, does anyone know where I purchase an e-bow? And at what price will it be available at? There doesn't seem to be a store that stocks up on it.

Any relevant information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you :D
Yeah, before or after? :D I do hope they still have some in stock. And which Swee Lee are you guys referring to?
Saw them at Bras Basah a few days ago. Give them a call, I'm sure they can direct you to the outlet with stock.
$120? Wow! I called sometime back and was quoted $240 (after discount) IIRC. I eventually got one from a fellow forumite at G4C.
Oh, $240..that's twice the price. Thank you all for your information by the way, any additional information would be appreciated still :) I will be checking with Swee Lee pretty soon about the e-bow.
Any luck guys??? I just called Bras basah and Sims Drive but they told me $240 after discount!!!!

is the discount over?? )= help!
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haha, so they have changed it to cd inside the box.

made this one so old.

>>>>Widdly, thanks a lot man. Yeah S$150 isn't cheap too S$120 would have been perfect for me... but S$240 is crazy. )=

>>>>Pathein! we lost touch from the PM's to the emails! How've you beeeeen??????

Let's chat through PM!

BUT! Is the ebow definitely back to $240? Was it ever at $120 after discount? Or was it some wink wink deal for those in the know only... so damn sad...

am fine bro, iam still bumping around doing bits of music, working, wasting more time around in between reading manual. Haha. Just drop me a mail or pm, good to know how has the stomp been treating you, heh


mwahaha, that prolly means SL havent been clearing much stock of the ebow or that the cd is really still new that it havent been shipped over.

anyway, if i remember corrrectly, back round 7/8 years back when i was looking to get the ebow, a check with SL back then, it was around $210, before discount. So i guess after all these years, the price went up by quite a bit. Anyway, in the end, i didnt get from them and manged to find one used locally at a lower price, but still higher than how much a boss DS-1 cost at that time or even now..