When do you use a Compressor Pedal?


New member
when do you use a compressor pedal?

been reading up about it, but can't really put a practical application to it. ok it does limit the loudest and softest signals, and you can set the volume at which it sets in - but how does it make you sound better? does it change your tone or something?

it seems bass guitars use it a lot - like when you slap too hard or something?

need enlightenment here...:confused:
yeap.. it lowers the higher parts and increases the lower part.. to me, it makes the electric guitar sound more classical guitar, it does change ur tone alot.. btw, since it increases the lower part which includes those soft hummy noises, means those noises will increase, causing more hum..
you should check out the mxr dyna comp, can get 2nd hand at around $80
hope this helps :)
btw heard its good for recording cause the levels are more even
lol.. sub, i thought u should know?
like the trebly part of the guitar is louder or the bassy part is louder, then the compressor kinda evens it out.. part refers to volume.. :)
of course- just wanna check what that 'part' refers to...

btw- the job of the compressor is to regulate the output (volume) of decaying signals & truncate the excess based on the threshold set by the user. this is more apparant if one does slaps & pops on the bass as oppossed to guitars' picked notes.
can i say that songs involving slap bass would very likely have a compressor keeping the signals in check?