What's your Signal Chain like?..

Here's mine...

Ibanez CP9 -- Bad Horsie 2 -- Marshall Shredmaster -- Ibanez Tube King -- Jackson Tube Preamp (JX3) -- Effects Loop: (Little Alligator -- Boss Harmonist HR2 -- Boss Gigadelay -- BBE Sonic Maximiser -- Alesis Quadraverb Plus) -- Samson Servo 240 -- any speakers which is provided during gigs

Pedalboard is custom ordered from India with the help of my Indian friend. Cost: $240, Size: 1m x 50cm.. comes with hardcase with rollers.... DAMN HEAVY!!!! :twisted:

Guitars: RG570 CT, Vester Custom Shop, Grassroots Sugzio, Yamaha YG621, Ibanez GAX70
RedBeanz said:
Here's mine...

Ibanez CP9 -- Bad Horsie 2 -- Marshall Shredmaster -- Ibanez Tube King -- Jackson Tube Preamp (JX3) -- Effects Loop: (Little Alligator -- Boss Harmonist HR2 -- Boss Gigadelay -- BBE Sonic Maximiser -- Alesis Quadraverb Plus) -- Samson Servo 240 -- any speakers which is provided during gigs

Pedalboard is custom ordered from India with the help of my Indian friend. Cost: $240, Size: 1m x 50cm.. comes with hardcase with rollers.... DAMN HEAVY!!!! :twisted:

Guitars: RG570 CT, Vester Custom Shop, Grassroots Sugzio, Yamaha YG621, Ibanez GAX70

RedBeanz, you have a BBE Sonic maximiser??? I tot its a rack effect? What does it do to your sound anyway?

To cherubrock: Yeah, i tot about using a Line Selector, but as you can see from the photo, my pedal board is running out of space. Besides, my clean channel is in the TRI-AC itself. (I.E. when i want my clean sound, i have to switch channel on the TRI-AC and switch off the TS-9 at the same time.
RedBeanz, you have a BBE Sonic maximiser??? I tot its a rack effect? What does it do to your sound anyway?

Hey Y2K, d BBE adds more clarity and definition to my tone. It works a bit like a parametric eq, but for this one the more bass u add, it will cut the mid freq more. For clarity, tink Aiwa Hi-Fi sets with the BBE function... u will know wat i mean..
Colarndo said:
I hate to say it. but Swee Lee brings in BBE products. I guess it's between $400 to $700 bucks new.

Actually, BBE products are easily available at many shops selling "pro audio" equipment. There are quite a number in Sim Lim Square alone.
y2k said:
To cherubrock: Yeah, i tot about using a Line Selector, but as you can see from the photo, my pedal board is running out of space. Besides, my clean channel is in the TRI-AC itself. (I.E. when i want my clean sound, i have to switch channel on the TRI-AC and switch off the TS-9 at the same time.

No space? get a bigger pedalboard then! hehehe. That will earn Flightcase innovation more cash.

Yes with the line selector you don't even have to touch your Tri-AC or the TS9 to switch to clean. Just make sure these 2 are in one chain and all you have to do is to switch to another. :D

I have some questions on the NS-2. How well does it contribute to the overall sound, besides reducing noise?

By the way i came across live pictures of you guys...you guys rawk!
y2k said:
RedBeanz said:
Here's mine...

Ibanez CP9 -- Bad Horsie 2 -- Marshall Shredmaster -- Ibanez Tube King -- Jackson Tube Preamp (JX3) -- Effects Loop: (Little Alligator -- Boss Harmonist HR2 -- Boss Gigadelay -- BBE Sonic Maximiser -- Alesis Quadraverb Plus) -- Samson Servo 240 -- any speakers which is provided during gigs

Pedalboard is custom ordered from India with the help of my Indian friend. Cost: $240, Size: 1m x 50cm.. comes with hardcase with rollers.... DAMN HEAVY!!!! :twisted:

Guitars: RG570 CT, Vester Custom Shop, Grassroots Sugzio, Yamaha YG621, Ibanez GAX70

RedBeanz, you have a BBE Sonic maximiser??? I tot its a rack effect? What does it do to your sound anyway?

To cherubrock: Yeah, i tot about using a Line Selector, but as you can see from the photo, my pedal board is running out of space. Besides, my clean channel is in the TRI-AC itself. (I.E. when i want my clean sound, i have to switch channel on the TRI-AC and switch off the TS-9 at the same time.
Any pictures of this humongus pedalboard??
Hey Y2K, yah.. it's a rack effect. The one i got is d more ex one (362NR)... tot the noise reduction function could work... but sadly not for guitar signal... If you want get the 362 or 482i model... the 362 cost less than $200 and the 482i will cost abt $320... Swee Lee din rip me off.. their BBE prices are abt the same as www.music123.com.

cherubrock.. photos not up yet.. hehe.. havent got time to take a pic of my full setup...

i saw mrmisse's custom pedalboard... they are good enuff for the $180. And a customised case is only $190, which is $10 more... go check them out. Would advise to get the visual one spot and solder ur own DC plugs for your pedalboard too, which is wat i did :lol:
RedBeanz said:
RedBeanz, you have a BBE Sonic maximiser??? I tot its a rack effect? What does it do to your sound anyway?

Hey Y2K, d BBE adds more clarity and definition to my tone. It works a bit like a parametric eq, but for this one the more bass u add, it will cut the mid freq more. For clarity, tink Aiwa Hi-Fi sets with the BBE function... u will know wat i mean..

Hey RedBeanz,

Few more questions about the BBE Sonic Maximizer:

1. Is it half rack or full-rack space? I think i can still stack cuz the guy from FCI screwed up and made me a board with more height....

2. I am looking for more definition in my tone. You think i can get that from it??? Hehe...any MP3 sound samples you have would be helpful...
No space? get a bigger pedalboard then! hehehe. That will earn Flightcase innovation more cash.

Yes with the line selector you don't even have to touch your Tri-AC or the TS9 to switch to clean. Just make sure these 2 are in one chain and all you have to do is to switch to another.

I have some questions on the NS-2. How well does it contribute to the overall sound, besides reducing noise?

By the way i came across live pictures of you guys...you guys raw

Hey Cherubrock,

Any bigger and i'll have to get my own roadie...my arms will fall off.

I can't use the Line Selector cuz my clean tone is on the 1st Setting on the TRI-AC. Looping the TS-9 and the TRI-AC will cause both to "disengage" when i A/B the Line Selector, right?

NS-2 is really good. I actually had to lug down my whole pedalboard to Swee Lee to test it out. Just to make sure it cancels the noise comign from the TRI-AC and that it has no detrimental effects on the tone. Pretty decent. Though you have to play with the "DECAY" knob to make sure your sustained notes dun get cut off all of a sudden.

Thanks for the kind words...

Hey Y2K.... it's a 1U full rack size... if u want definition... BBE is one of the options... if u dun mind a rack...
hehe.. no sound clips... i dun do recording... :lol:
RedBeanz said:
Hey Y2K.... it's a 1U full rack size... if u want definition... BBE is one of the options... if u dun mind a rack...
hehe.. no sound clips... i dun do recording... :lol:

Full rack size and cost only 200??? Maybe its time for me to lug down my pedalboard to test it out
wow.. didnt know this thread was still alive.. anyhow, here's mine..


i have changed it though.. will update when i have time to take a new pic..

VS Route66 > CA Hotcake > EF13 TBD (send:: DE7 > 535BB > CA PnC ::return) > Moog Ring Mod (w exp) > Redwitch DMP > VS H2O > EH DMM

[soft: mrmisse, your pix a bit too big, i reduced smaller :wink: ]

some of your switch are quite close together (like the ones on the VS pedals). just wondering what kinda footwear you use for jams/gigs. I used to take off my shoes, so that i can switch more accurately. But, i've since stopped this practice, as it kinda "ugly" to be seen barefooted live.

Any tap-dancers here with bad live experiences? I seem to screw up at least once every gig. Either the switch is faulty, or i missed the switch, or i stomp on the wrong switch....
ah yeh.. i go barefooted.. my whole band do the same except for the drummer.. :D

in fact, i dun like to stomp on my precious pedals w my dirty slippers..
mrmisse said:
ah yeh.. i go barefooted.. my whole band do the same except for the drummer.. :D

in fact, i dun like to stomp on my precious pedals w my dirty slippers..

Steady Pom Pee Pee...barefooted...Macham Loolapaloza siah...

Yah, i agree with you, if i have that many boutique pedals, i would do the same too...I may even wash my feet before i play...

Speaking of which, reminds me of a friend with all the custom Ibanez guitars...everytime i wanna play them, he'll ask me to go and bathe first... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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