What's your Signal Chain like?..

Can you guys include photos? Would love to see all the weird-ass pedals you mentioned. Anway, Mine goes like this:

03 Gibson Les Paul Classic --> Digitech Synth Wah --> EH Small Clone --> BOSS Compressor/Sustainer CS-3 --> BOSS Noise Supressor NS-2 --> TECH 21 SansAmp TRI-AC --> MXR Phase 90 --> MXR 6 Band EQ --> BOSS Volume Pedal --> BOSS Chromatic Tuner TU-2 --> BOSS Digital Delay DD-6 --> Marshall Valvestate 8040.

The TRI-AC is in the noise supressor's loop and the tuner is from the volume pedal's "tuner out". I'm thinking of ditching the CS-3 for a better compressor. Anyone has any good recommendation?

JMguitars said:
The TMB is great though it needs to be match to the right amp to sound good.

hi, erm, newbie here, maybe u could explain to me how does one ensure the pedal suits the amp?

and since everyone's at it, for me its simply;

Yamaha 912J/Samick Artists Edition LP --- VS Jekyll&Hyde --- Tech21 Trademark60.
Effects Loop --- Alesis Microverb4.

Hey, y2k! you're really the guy from lunarin. You've come to RP before and put up a great show for us :D

No wonder your LP looks so familiar.
y2k said:
Can you guys include photos? Would love to see all the weird-ass pedals you mentioned. Anway, Mine goes like this:

03 Gibson Les Paul Classic --> Digitech Synth Wah --> EH Small Clone --> BOSS Compressor/Sustainer CS-3 --> BOSS Noise Supressor NS-2 --> TECH 21 SansAmp TRI-AC --> MXR Phase 90 --> MXR 6 Band EQ --> BOSS Volume Pedal --> BOSS Chromatic Tuner TU-2 --> BOSS Digital Delay DD-6 --> Marshall Valvestate 8040.

The TRI-AC is in the noise supressor's loop and the tuner is from the volume pedal's "tuner out". I'm thinking of ditching the CS-3 for a better compressor. Anyone has any good recommendation?


Y2K, nice pedalboard. Where do you get your EH power supply from? How much?
Good suggestions for a compressor will be the renowned Robert Keeley's compressor. Second to that will be the MXR dynacomp which i am using. Its gives a slight clean boost, when playing clean, but your playing dynamics will be leveled off. It gives a real good sustain to distortion though.

By the way questions on your Tri-AC, does it really give you that heavy mesa distortion and tone to it (upon selecting the "california" option), as demonstrated by the soundclips at tech21's website? I realise you do not have any other distortion boxes.
hahaha man oh man.. rich people thread..
well here's mmine..
fender squier -> boss ds-1 -> any amp that can be plugged into

no mods on the squier.. just scalloped neck
no mods on the ds-1(taiwan)
and i can go with any amp at all.. at home my cable from ds-1 goes right into my soundcard

oh.. and one more thing.. sometimes i put in a vox v847.. but only if i really need it.. =) toodles.. *really not my kinda thread bwahaha* \m/
dhalif said:
hahaha man oh man.. rich people thread..
well here's mmine..
fender squier -> boss ds-1 -> any amp that can be plugged into

no mods on the squier.. just scalloped neck
no mods on the ds-1(taiwan)
and i can go with any amp at all.. at home my cable from ds-1 goes right into my soundcard

oh.. and one more thing.. sometimes i put in a vox v847.. but only if i really need it.. =) toodles.. *really not my kinda thread bwahaha* \m/

Which is why you'd probably play rings around us .....we're too busy collecting stuff to practise. :D :D
fibredrive said:
JMguitars said:
The TMB is great though it needs to be match to the right amp to sound good.

hi, erm, newbie here, maybe u could explain to me how does one ensure the pedal suits the amp?


No better way than trying the pedal through the amp.

Your ears will tell you if the pedal suits the amp.

Any other way is akin to a lottery.
thks JM. well, i played the J&H thru a Twin verb and it sounded superb. it gets a diff soudn thru my amp but i still love it nonetheless. :)
Hey Marshall_Law, glad you liked the set. I'm surprised you like the Gibson Silverburst too. I thought only the "older" generation would have heard of the Silverburst.

Hi Cherubrock, the power supply is not from EH. Its just a sticker i pasted on the box actually. Anyway, its custom-made by this tech guy called Edwin. The unit supplies power (1000mA max) and the good thing about it is it can power up 12V pedals. You can contact him at edwin@wakemeupmusic.com

Another alternative would be the 1spot power adapter sold by Mrmisse shop@mrmisse.com It only takes up ONE position on your outlet strip or wall outlet and handles from one to over a dozen guitar pedals (1000mA max), depending on the number of daisy chains you run.

I do not know anyone in Singapore who brings in the Keeley compressor. Heard really good stuff about it, but i'd like to try it out on my board to make sure it sounds good with my other pedals. I have the MXR DynaComp too, actually. It gives a damn good clean sound, but on distortion, it sucks away tremendous amount of tone. I am looking forward to trying out the RMC compressor thats supposed to be close to Keeley's model, but costs half the price. Mrmisse'll be bringing that in soon.

The TRI-AC is my secret weapon man :D
Regarding the heaviness, pretty subjective question if you ask me. I mean, depends on what kinda heavy tone you are looking for. Personally, i think it really delivers. Check out my band's demo recording http://lunarin.com/mp3/tower.mp3
The whole song was recorded with the "CALIF" setting. (p.s. we recorded live so my guitar volume was a tad low to prevent bleeding into the overhead mics) Of course, nothing beats playing thru an original mesa, but i thought this baby comes close to capturing the rectifier tone.

Oh, and yeah, its my only overdrive/distortion box. You can read my review of the TRI-AC here

y2k said:
Hi Cherubrock,

The TRI-AC is my secret weapon man :D
Regarding the heaviness, pretty subjective question if you ask me. I mean, depends on what kinda heavy tone you are looking for. Personally, i think it really delivers. Check out my band's demo recording http://lunarin.com/mp3/tower.mp3
The whole song was recorded with the "CALIF" setting. (p.s. we recorded live so my guitar volume was a tad low to prevent bleeding into the overhead mics) Of course, nothing beats playing thru an original mesa, but i thought this baby comes close to capturing the rectifier tone.

Oh, and yeah, its my only overdrive/distortion box. You can read my review of the TRI-AC here


Hey Y2K, i do know your vocalist linda, conversed with her before via email regarding customising a pedalboard.
And great tracks you've got there, and splendid distortion and crunch! Its almost the kind i am trying to get. What amp you fed your signal into for recording? You were using your Gibson Classic?
JMguitars Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 6:38 am Post subject:


dhalif wrote:
hahaha man oh man.. rich people thread..
well here's mmine..
fender squier -> boss ds-1 -> any amp that can be plugged into

no mods on the squier.. just scalloped neck
no mods on the ds-1(taiwan)
and i can go with any amp at all.. at home my cable from ds-1 goes right into my soundcard

oh.. and one more thing.. sometimes i put in a vox v847.. but only if i really need it.. =) toodles.. *really not my kinda thread bwahaha* \m/

Which is why you'd probably play rings around us .....we're too busy collecting stuff to practise.

Hey Y2K, i do know your vocalist linda, conversed with her before via email regarding customising a pedalboard.
And great tracks you've got there, and splendid distortion and crunch! Its almost the kind i am trying to get. What amp you fed your signal into for recording? You were using your Gibson Classic

Really? So have you got yourself a pedalboard already? Ours were custom-made by Flightcase Innovative using some "astro-board" material. They were supposed to make the case lighter. I think the case itself weigh about 6 kg.

For those demo songs, i fed my signal into a Marshall Slash Signature Series head thru a single 4x12 Marshall cabinet, miked with a single SM57. And, yes, i was playing my Classic LP on that as well.
y2k said:
Really? So have you got yourself a pedalboard already? Ours were custom-made by Flightcase Innovative using some "astro-board" material. They were supposed to make the case lighter. I think the case itself weigh about 6 kg.

For those demo songs, i fed my signal into a Marshall Slash Signature Series head thru a single 4x12 Marshall cabinet, miked with a single SM57. And, yes, i was playing my Classic LP on that as well.

Yes i have gotten myself an SKB one. Flightcase innovation charges me a whooping 400 bucks for my customisation...so i thought....forget it. heh :D.

Man, Slash signature marshall head? No wonder the gain and distortion was so good. Why do you still need the Tri-AC when you are playing through a tube amp head i wonder?
y2k said:
Hey Marshall_Law, glad you liked the set. I'm surprised you like the Gibson Silverburst too. I thought only the "older" generation would have heard of the Silverburst.

I'm a sucker for discontinued guitars and i feel in love with all these discontinued LP since i joined the LP forums. Another guitar that i would like is the LP Artisan series. Totally extinct.

y2k said:
For those demo songs, i fed my signal into a Marshall Slash Signature Series head thru a single 4x12 Marshall cabinet, miked with a single SM57. And, yes, i was playing my Classic LP on that as well.

You have a Marshall JCM Slash?!!!
You have a Marshall JCM Slash?!!!

No man, its not mine.

But, it sounds damn good. Try running the TRI-AC's CALIF setting into this amp. Was totally blown away by the sound. You get the crunch and heaviness of a Mesa without the muddiness, and a teeny little bit of brightness due to the inherent nature of a Marshall.
Man, Slash signature marshall head? No wonder the gain and distortion was so good. Why do you still need the Tri-AC when you are playing through a tube amp head i wonder?

Yeah, i typically don't like to use the distortion of a tube amp. They have too much of a "signature" sound. Like the Marshall, it sounds too bright for my kind of music. You should try running the TRI-AC through the clean channel of a good tube amp.

My singal chain for recording is minimal:

Guitar -->> Secret Weapon (Pedal) -->> TRI-AC -->> Tube Amp.

Can anyone guess whats the secret weapon? :lol:
cherubrock said:
y2k said:
My singal chain for recording is minimal:

Guitar -->> Secret Weapon (Pedal) -->> TRI-AC -->> Tube Amp.

Can anyone guess whats the secret weapon? :lol:

I dunno man...let me try. It is either a tubescreamer or an EQ. heh heh

Haha, yeah. Its no secret actually. The TS-9 really cleans up the muddiness. Try it out during jams. It works great. Problem is, when you have to switch to clean, you have to stomp on both the TS-9 and the TRI-AC. I heard there exist simple switching systems (not rack-type switching systems) that allow for switching between pedals. Anyone has a more in-depth knowledge on this?
y2k said:
Haha, yeah. Its no secret actually. The TS-9 really cleans up the muddiness. Try it out during jams. It works great. Problem is, when you have to switch to clean, you have to stomp on both the TS-9 and the TRI-AC. I heard there exist simple switching systems (not rack-type switching systems) that allow for switching between pedals. Anyone has a more in-depth knowledge on this?

I do use a modded TS9 to give a signal boost to my RAT 2, followed by an EQ. So when those are on and i need to switch to clean, i will have to go through the trouble of performing "tap dancing" during a live situation.

My solution to that for me is to utilise the BOSS Line Selector LS-2. It allows me to hook up my distortion boxes in an effects chain, and my modulation in another. So switching between clean and distortion is a breeze and requires only 1 stomp on the line selector.

Another advantage i find is that prior to switching between channels on the selector, you can switch on/off whatever pedals you wish first without affecting the output sound.

I guess there are issues where some tone will be depleted if there's too many effect loops. So i am trying to use good quality cables.

Here is my pedalboard that explains what i have mentioned, my delay DD3 is in the bypass chain so it can stay on for both effect chains.


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