What's you fav Guns N' Roses song/album and member? Why?

sadly he is out of the band too, buckethead. But i dun seem much contribution in songwriting. Most probably due to axl's control in the band?
Sweet Child is definately an anthem for jamming studios. Since its introduction till today, jamming studios all over the world will constantly have bands trying to do their take on it. Jamming studios should thank GnR for the inspiration for the jammers.

It's that kind of, the right time at the right place kind of thing. They had it and no one can take that away from them.

But the popularity has taken it toll on the song, I remember was it sheryl crow doing a cover on it?? I nearly puked. Caused me to turn off the radio every time I heard that version. Same with madonna's cover of american pie or the other female who totally destroyed light my fire.
Mr_X said:
stillwater said:
shinysnakepit said:
try listening to slash's snakepit... slash's band after his gnr exile.. one of the coolest band's tht i've ever heard...
yes, one of my fav... but only its debut album... raw beauty!!!

they have 2 albums, but however hard i try, i could only find one. that is Aint life grand. Can't seem to find "its 5 o'clock somewhere"

yah well Mr X, its pretty hard to find 5 o'clock here... even if u manage to find one, its likely to be the censored version...

i'm a big slash fan, but i think aint life grand truely sux...

oh, did i 4get to mention that i'm a proud owner of the 5 o'clock original album imported fr US...hehe...
Favourite album-Appetite for destruction
Favourite member- Slash! Slash! Slash!
It's kinda hard for me to pick a favourite, it's like doing injustice to the other songs in that album, it's one of the few cds which I can listen to without skipping tracks.
hifi_killer said:
it quite sad how people only know GnR for their slow ballads rock songs Which doesnt really do the band any justice. They are capable of so much faster and heavier stuff.

Go to www.newgnr.com download nightrain(live), hear buckethead shred on it.. You will be awed...

slash also did shred on appetite for destruction songs :wink:

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