whats the cheapest prs guitar?

I stated about spending on 'em. If I were to receive them free or at a bloody low price, obviously its a different matter altogether. I just don't like to spend a large amount on a machine-made guitar when I can easily get a custom hand-made guitar for the same amount.

If you're implying that I'm arrogant, then what makes you think you are so perfect? For the record, I don't own a custom or a high-end, but I've touched and seen, and some played as well, some professional level guitars. Some of them were priced in the thousands. If you are calling me an arrogant newbie, I can't be bothered to turn this thread into an argument. I'll just f*** off, simple as that.
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then again, if your saying you would not pay the money for a PRS guitar that is Factory made and would rather pay for someone to Custom make a guitar from a log.

Thing is, with the machines you will ALWAYS have precision, i mena WELL okay, perhaps that one luther ur talking about has the bestest skills in the world but theres no way he can beat a machine to the EXACT mm.

SO i think what you should say is that you would pay for a PRS if it was custom made for you, instead of, you know.

unless you want a guitar that isnt a PRS at all which is totally not related to the topic.
heh, wonder where were we 3 years back when this thread was started that we need to bump it up after 3 years even thou there might be possibility that the threadstarter prolly gave up geetar

start a new thread and state the cause, voice out the disagreement lah. Bumping old thread and wanna discussed bout it just make us seem outdated, wasnt in time for the party 3 years back and thus wanna jump in now, although 3 years later
then again, if your saying you would not pay the money for a PRS guitar that is Factory made and would rather pay for someone to Custom make a guitar from a log.

Thing is, with the machines you will ALWAYS have precision, i mena WELL okay, perhaps that one luther ur talking about has the bestest skills in the world but theres no way he can beat a machine to the EXACT mm.

SO i think what you should say is that you would pay for a PRS if it was custom made for you, instead of, you know.

unless you want a guitar that isnt a PRS at all which is totally not related to the topic.

If PRS were to custom make a guitar for me, yes. I'd get it. When it comes to hand-made, I'm talking about reputable luthiers like Schroeder, Suhr, etc. Who would pay so much for a luthier who doesn't have a good record to back 'em up.
its like saying why pay 1.2million for a ferrari 599gtb when it is machine assembled when u can get a toyota corolla which is also machine assembled...

Because the Corolla cannot do 0 to 100km/h in less than 4 secs?:mrgreen: And the Corolla cannot score you chicks like a 599 can?:twisted:
I don't think most gals would care about the guitar brand. Most normal gals i know won't know brand a from brand B. Its only how u look with the guitar as a total package. Also how well u can play or sing counts. More likely how well u sing gets their attention better then how well u can play. heh

Anyway the cheapest USA PRS is currently the PRS mira

eBay.com.sg: PRS Paul Reed Smith Mira Vintage Mahogany w/ OHC (item 270234132259 end time May 14, 2008 02:08:41 SGT)

Cheaper then the gibson sg standard and looks cooler to. Basically around S$2300 - 2500 with shipping


I stated about spending on 'em. If I were to receive them free or at a bloody low price, obviously its a different matter altogether. I just don't like to spend a large amount on a machine-made guitar when I can easily get a custom hand-made guitar for the same amount.

If you're implying that I'm arrogant, then what makes you think you are so perfect? For the record, I don't own a custom or a high-end, but I've touched and seen, and some played as well, some professional level guitars. Some of them were priced in the thousands. If you are calling me an arrogant newbie, I can't be bothered to turn this thread into an argument. I'll just f*** off, simple as that.

no intention of that bro...no hard feelings on that part aight..just wondering if u had any custom made guitars in your collection or whether u could tell a difference from a machine cut guitar and a handbuilt 1 thats all...no names were mentioned...no need the hostility
The only Guitars which are Qualified to be called PAUL REED SMITHS

-Are the High Gloss models, Bird Inlays and no bull~
You can say yeah the SE series or whatever but you know that it'll only be PRS Esque~

Thats when I HATE people who dont call it like it is so often in the Buy/Sell Thread and wherever else on the Forum

for instance.

WTS : Gibson Epiphone les paul blahblahblah
WTS : ESP LTD mh blah blah lbha

who are you kidding, whats the point of adding the Big brother company infront of ur stupid thread?? it doesnt make it more valuable but points out the fact that you think the lil sister companies are inferior. and therefor you have to use the BIG NAME GIBSON or whatever to make you feel like you are selling somehting of "high status"

am not saying that the Epi and LTD or SE models are crap. i have owned guitars from each company and am satisfied.

JUST DONT, PLEASE DONT put some bullshit <tag> of a big name company infront just to make it look nicer, just


saying "gibson epiphone sg" is not so bad, at least the seller is not lying.

i noticed u also called ur se as prs se.
saying "gibson epiphone sg" is not so bad, at least the seller is not lying.

i noticed u also called ur se as prs se.

gosh kym, get it right will you?

Thats because it IS A PRS SE You dont just call it SE ALLENDER!! theres no other name for it, i mean wtf! PRS doesnt disown their own cheaper models like some cutrate guitar and be ashamed of it like Gibson and Fender does.

PRS is PRS. There is no PRS JR.

you dont see me selling my LTD as an ESP LTD do you?
or EVERY other guitar i've Sold here, Epiphone(mostly), Gibson blah blah

I've titled it as Epiphone Les Paul, Epiphone Flyign V, and my LTD EX-50? I titled it LTD EX-50 not ESP LTD EX-50.

LOOK, its like this okay.

Gibson Les Paul
Epiphone Les Paul



Fender Telecaster
Squier Telecaster


Think it through

yes, there is nothing wrong about doing so but it just goes to show a pathetic attempt at "making nice"

OH, and this brings me to the makes of guitars~ Last time (not goign to say which) I sold an MIC guitar to some guy, then it got sold to someother guy, then THAT guy sold it as an MIK, i tried to stop it but nobody seemed to care. oh well.
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Btw, it is a Fender Squire Telecaster/Stratocaster etc.

Fender has its brand on the squire models if you haven't realised.

There is actually no BS associated with the brand, its just a market segment thing. If you head to the squire website, you'll find the fender name everywhere.

The models are still named after those by Fender as the company. The squire brand was founded by FMIC.

Epiphone on the other hand was bought over by Gibson, but, if you head to the Epiphone website, you'd notice that they mention " ... Part of the Gibson family of brands. "

Nothing wrong with naming the mother brand, it happens everywhere in the business world. So I'm not sure why you're so worked up over it, really.
yes, there is nothing wrong about doing so but it just goes to show a pathetic attempt at "making nice"

Yo... Chill out man... Why you get so worked up whether it's a Gibson Epiphone or Fender Squier? It doesn't matter, because neither company is what it was when it first began. All the talk about brand representation is pointless when it comes to how the individual instruments themselves perform.

So, instead of talking about how the brand should sound when written or pronounced, why don't you give us an accurate representation of how your PRS deserves to be played?
There is actually no BS associated with the brand, its just a market segment thing. If you head to the squire website, you'll find the fender name everywhere.

The models are still named after those by Fender as the company. The squire brand was founded by FMIC.

Epiphone on the other hand was bought over by Gibson, but, if you head to the Epiphone website, you'd notice that they mention " ... Part of the Gibson family of brands. "

Nothing wrong with naming the mother brand, it happens everywhere in the business world. So I'm not sure why you're so worked up over it, really.

Actually, it's not even about segmentation. The MIA and MIM thing from Fender is segmentation, but the Fender/Squire thing is about leveraging on brand equity. Gibson probably feels that it doesn't need such an effort for Epiphone.

But again, who decideds market perception? The brand? or the market? I believe it's the latter, and if the market wants to call it a Gibson Epiphone Les Paul, then that's completely fine. It's understood anyways.

But I got a feeling this is more about someone wanting to force the point that his PRS SE deserves the right to the parent name more than an Epi and the Squier...

alright, theres a reason why its "part of"

Okay, so you want a les paul, you go and buy a Epiphone Les Paul and its shit. now you cant blame GIBSON because it isnt a GIBSON guitar, theres no Gibson stamped on the headstock is there? you can say that its the lil brother company and all of that but in the end it is NOT a Gibson.

Its an Epiphone Les Paul.

If you own an Epiphone, im sure everyone here has at 1 point, If someone asks you what you played, would u say, "Oh, I play a Gibson Epiphone Les Paul"

thats just freakin dumb.

also please dont look to deep into the matter, its also for people who've asked me if its a REAL GIBSON for that price and why so cheap?

so there, End of discussion.
call it what it is-

PS: dont bring the allender SE in this, "KYM" brought it up not me.
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Actually, it's not even about segmentation. The MIA and MIM thing from Fender is segmentation, but the Fender/Squire thing is about leveraging on brand equity. Gibson probably feels that it doesn't need such an effort for Epiphone.

But again, who decideds market perception? The brand? or the market? I believe it's the latter, and if the market wants to call it a Gibson Epiphone Les Paul, then that's completely fine. It's understood anyways.

But I got a feeling this is more about someone wanting to force the point that his PRS SE deserves the right to the parent name more than an Epi and the Squier...


For gibson I wouldn't really comment much because I haven't read up much on their history. I only know Gibson bought over Epiphone, thus they belong in the Gibson family.

But for squire, they were formed mainly because Fender wanted a cheaper offering to everyone before the mexican plant came about. And it has stayed with them ever since, and true to its founding, it has stayed affordable to the those who cannot afford a mexican/american or even now japanese model.

As such it would be a market segment based on price. Not forcing it down anyone's throat but looking at it in a marketing perspective, by adding a squire name, fender is telling everyone that it is their cheaper offering and made in indonesia/china etc, but still backed by the mother company (whether or not this is a good move is really up to the QC offered by the offshore factories).

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