whats the cheapest prs guitar?

Are you serious Jumbo? If you've found my posts rude, childish and whatnot, I apologise. But next time, when stating your views, be more polite and reasonable. I would love to go on and on about how your behavior dissatisfies me, but thats not the point.

My purpose now, is to apologise if I've made you feel offended, and to inform you to be more polite and reasonable when stating your views in future. Hope you understand.
I'm not too experienced with PRS, but I believe Subversion mentioned something about the SE being Set necks and the CE being bolt on necks.
I will be more polite and reasonable when I state my views in the future. But I can't guarantee that being polite and reasonable will please everyone.

Feel free to PM about how my behaviour dissatisfies you. I am open-minded enough to take it.

I am sorry to offend you with my reply, and going against what I said in the earlier post (the one about that being the last post.) I felt that there was more to be said about myself.

Thanks, mulyadi. This forum needs more people like that. If you refer to another thread which had Sub's input, you will see that he doesn't really help in making a good buying decision. I am sorry that it developed into this. Honestly, I think Subversion is a good reviewer. But I am a realist, I will take the trouble of reading more reviews found in Harmony Central.

I will probably write an long article about guitars in the future, feel free to comment on it.
Ok, ok ,.. ill give my 0.002 cents

Am a PRS owner US one. Yes its ex no doubt about it, yes its machine made, but IMO the quality worth it. Ive tried, ibanez, gibson n fenders and i feel PRS suits me the best. Each to his own i guess. Yes PRS started as a small handmade factory in line with Anderson, Melancon etc. Then it went to mass production. It still churns much less guitars than fender n gibson, n IMO it still tries very2 hard to maintain the high quality standard that it sets for itself. Thats all IMO.
Now PRS:
SE: Made in korea, SE= Student edition, an idea that carlos santana told PRS (the man) that he wanted a cheap good quality guitar that 'students' can learn prior to spending on the bid ones. Darn good quality for the price, tried Tremonti SE, n Santana SE all very recommended.
CE: US made the cheapest of the PRS US line. CE has 2 CE mahogany n CE maple top. The mahogany is slightly cheaper.
If you want PRS u can try getting them 2nd hand got mine tt way. And am gunning for another one also 2nd hand


thanks for the compliment jumbo.

+1 to chimaera's point. Among all the mainstream brands PRS, EBMM, Carvin are really value for money. There's no denying that regardless of the shrewd management or whatever. Their products are really top notch, and affordable with the amount of detail they've put in as compared to Gibsons imho

P.S: I know there are ppl who still swears by Gibson Les Pauls and i respect their choices, but can't help feeling why would they pay such exhorbitant prices with regards to the QC *shrugs*[/b]
Hey not to forget, prs has sweet pups, and nice coils settings. Maybe gotta get used to the rotary switch.

Carvin looks cool, but need to order online?

Maybe one reason its worth getting even tho its expensive is that it has got gd resale value;)

I cant afford prs at the moment, so i guess schecter or brian moore r more realistic within my reach
jumbofret said:
I totally disagree with you. subversion. You say that "a guitar is worth it if you deem it to be so"... That means you support self-illusions in guitars. That was why I disagree with you back in the other topic regarding Heavenscloud's dilemma. And gave more handy tips compared to your comments.

"price dictates the nature of the instrument, more specifically its construction, fittings & make. how do you know Davis is making lots of money? you mean Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest are not?"

You couldn't be more wrong! You don't seem to get the whole picture of manufacturing, don't you? PRS uses the same machinery as other mass-produced guitar brands. It's a corporate company now, no longer the PRS we know years ago. PRS uses CNC tech to ensure quality products, and use unethical marketing strategy to jack the prices up. They use Paul Reed Smith's history, and limit supply of their guitars. This artificially inflates selling prices. Don't forget brand perception, blah blah.

Also, after investing in machinery (which isn't a lot, venture capitalists and loans will take care of that), they buy lumber in TONNAGE (which is cheap, you get bulk discount)! This goes against Paul's practice of manual yet discriminating selection.

You seem unable to read DeathCubeK's statement regarding PRS. Are you illiterate? Does "Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest" sell PRS?? Real dumb, you are.

As an authorised dealer, Davis buys PRS guitars somewhere around 40-50% of their selling prices. You do the math, boyo.

1. I don't support self-illusion, only those on drugs do. what i'm trying to say is that, when you part with cash for a guitar, it's because you deem it to be worth doing so, not because others tell you to do it & you fall prey to compulsion.

2. I'm aware of how PRS go about constructing & manufacturing their guitars, in fact, i receive a complementary PRS DVD featuring a factory tour upon purchasing their product. what i'm trying to say is that, certain construction procedures dictates the overall cost of a guitar. a flamed cap guitar dictates more in the asking price, so does a set neck/ neck-through construction, etc. this is the reason why an average set-neck PRS costs more than an American Fender.

3. Distributors & dealers are entittled to personal discounts, it doesn't happen here only, it happens everywhere. please be more discreet when you quote certain figures here. if Davis can prove that your figures are wrong & inflict reputational damage on them, there will be legal complications. do spare some thoughts for the website owner, he is the one who would be in trouble.

i'm not trying to be personal to anyone, if i do, apologies.
Yup its true.. Different people has different views.. Why should people fight over things that they disagree?? That's why humans are born to create war to destroy each other instead of peaceful agreement.. Well.. Next time just be patience k..
Ok just for discussion sake lah…

PRS was founded by Mr Paul Reed Smith right?
PRS is still owned by Mr Paul Reed Smith right?
and whatever that goes out of the factory bearing the Paul Reed Smith name bear's the OK by Mr Paul Reed Smith right?

So what has the entire cookie cutter current production PRS lacking in terms of integrity and who is exploiting who now? Mr. PRS exploiting PRS’s name?

IMHO, Mr. Paul Reed Smith is a great builder, designer and a greater business man. He is amassing his wealth thro hard work in the beginning and now have manufacturing capabilities to produce guitar for the (richer) masses. Also to me there’s nothing wrong with economy of scale. That’s the way to produce and that’s the way to make money.

Sometimes we’re so caught up with being against companies making money but face it… Companies exist to make money. Else they better go and run a charity.

Oh yeah... cheapest PRS are those SE series one lah...
i'm waiting for this or its singlecut sibiling. it was mentioned in another thread, the singlecut costs $700 (it might change tho'). not bad price rite? but take note that this dun come with a trem.


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