I totally disagree with you. subversion. You say that "a guitar is worth it if you deem it to be so"... That means you support self-illusions in guitars. That was why I disagree with you back in the other topic regarding Heavenscloud's dilemma. And gave more handy tips compared to your comments.
"price dictates the nature of the instrument, more specifically its construction, fittings & make. how do you know Davis is making lots of money? you mean Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest are not?"
You couldn't be more wrong! You don't seem to get the whole picture of manufacturing, don't you? PRS uses the same machinery as other mass-produced guitar brands. It's a corporate company now, no longer the PRS we know years ago. PRS uses CNC tech to ensure quality products, and use unethical marketing strategy to jack the prices up. They use Paul Reed Smith's history, and limit supply of their guitars. This artificially inflates selling prices. Don't forget brand perception, blah blah.
Also, after investing in machinery (which isn't a lot, venture capitalists and loans will take care of that), they buy lumber in TONNAGE (which is cheap, you get bulk discount)! This goes against Paul's practice of manual yet discriminating selection.
You seem unable to read DeathCubeK's statement regarding PRS. Are you illiterate? Does "Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest" sell PRS?? Real dumb, you are.
As an authorised dealer, Davis buys PRS guitars somewhere around 40-50% of their selling prices. You do the math, boyo.