whats the cheapest prs guitar?

Friend, show a little more respect yea? Don't go off calling people dumb and illiterate just because you disagree with something. Besides, sub's offering his reviews and comments for free man..
It isn't you. It's clearly evident there are now a LOT of troublemakers, rude softies around...
Disagreement is 1 thing, calling names at the expense of getting your point across is another. I hope there's more etiquette and courtesy here even if an issue had to be addressed in your case, not just to sub or anyone else.

I believe what DeathcubeK (no offense dude) mentioned exactly was, " Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality"

If im not wrong the above statement's point was just about the price = quality thing, and it just so happens that Davis sells PRS likewise for Sweelee selling Gibsons. Too bad that Davis was used for the example stated.

About CNC routing...and getting lumbers at wholesale price, more attention was given to neck pocket fits, alignment and accurate placement of hardwares, finishes....etc. i.e even if TGM was given a grade AAAAA flame maple, mahogany, or any other wood coupled with the best hardwares. With lack of quality control and proper assembly, it's still gonna be the crappiest guitar in the world.

Let's all share our points and discuss productively, learn from insights and views on others. No name calling or dissing :?
jumbofret said:
subversion said:
DeathCubeK said:
PRS is so not worth the money. Why pay 3 -4 K for a factory made guitar? Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality. Cheapest prs i know is 800+. i laugh when i see people show off their PRS's.

a guitar is worth it if you deem it to be so. whatever you own, if someone else thinks it's not worth it, then it's purely a personal interpretation, yes?

price & quality reflection isn't a sure formula, but price dictates the nature of the instrument, more specifically its construction, fittings & make.

how do you know Davis is making lots of money? you mean Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest are not?

I totally disagree with you. subversion. You say that "a guitar is worth it if you deem it to be so"... That means you support self-illusions in guitars. That was why I disagree with you back in the other topic regarding Heavenscloud's dilemma. And gave more handy tips compared to your comments.

"price dictates the nature of the instrument, more specifically its construction, fittings & make. how do you know Davis is making lots of money? you mean Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest are not?"

You couldn't be more wrong! You don't seem to get the whole picture of manufacturing, don't you? PRS uses the same machinery as other mass-produced guitar brands. It's a corporate company now, no longer the PRS we know years ago. PRS uses CNC tech to ensure quality products, and use unethical marketing strategy to jack the prices up. They use Paul Reed Smith's history, and limit supply of their guitars. This artificially inflates selling prices. Don't forget brand perception, blah blah.

Also, after investing in machinery (which isn't a lot, venture capitalists and loans will take care of that), they buy lumber in TONNAGE (which is cheap, you get bulk discount)! This goes against Paul's practice of manual yet discriminating selection.

You seem unable to read DeathCubeK's statement regarding PRS. Are you illiterate? Does "Swee Lee/ G77/ City Music/ Yamaha Combo shop/ Luther & the rest" sell PRS?? Real dumb, you are.

As an authorised dealer, Davis buys PRS guitars somewhere around 40-50% of their selling prices. You do the math, boyo.

Yo fyi, prs isnt the only company doing so.... Once upon a time, Fender too encounter a take over by CBS who just wanted to make $, n quality went down... So does it mean post CBS fenders r also overpriced?

Ibanez guitars r also made by the same factory that makes lawsuits models... But hey no ones says a jem or js is overpriced:)

Theres another side to the coin, n factory produced guitars doesnt mean it lousy... Heard of carvin???
DeathCubeK said:
PRS is so not worth the money. Why pay 3 -4 K for a factory made guitar? Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality. Cheapest prs i know is 800+. i laugh when i see people show off their PRS's.

This is what DeathCubeK wrote. And we are on the topic of "whats the cheapest prs guitar?", right? Sub's "commenting on general issues" is irrelevant in this case.

Yes, I am a twit. I am not a member of MENSA, but neither are you. I do not believe in making political-correct statements. If you did read my statement, you might change your mind about me being a twit. Looks like you could only see the rude nature of my comment... And no, I am NOT a troublemaker. I make thought-provoking statements regarding guitars, even though I do not work in the industry. That leads to the conflicts in our interests.

Pooo, I didn't call him dumb and illiterate because I disagree with something.

I am sorry if I offended Subversion and his friends, you shouldn't take the rudeness to heart.
You couldn't be more wrong! You don't seem to get the whole picture of manufacturing, don't you? PRS uses the same machinery as other mass-produced guitar brands. It's a corporate company now, no longer the PRS we know years ago. PRS uses CNC tech to ensure quality products, and use unethical marketing strategy to jack the prices up. They use Paul Reed Smith's history, and limit supply of their guitars. This artificially inflates selling prices. Don't forget brand perception, blah blah.

CNC technology doesn't mean lousier products. A lot of small scale luthiers who handcraft other parts of their guitars also choose to use CNC machinery to do their guitar bodies/necks.

Factory-made guitars are in no way lousier than handmade guitars. Each one has it's quirks, that doesn't mean that handmade guitars will always be superior, they will always have "lemon" guitars just like factory made ones.

Every single company, read this, every single company will make use of "unetical marketing strategy" like history and limiting supply to increase prices. Welcome to the business world. There's too much of this to say that it's unethical. Does that mean every single limited edition product is unethical? And every company that publicizes its history cheats people's money by using that as an excuse for charging higher prices? There's such a thing called reputation and brand name, it's just a part of business as are pricing strategies.

Jumbo. You got issues against companies making money? Just cos people are profiting, its wrong? Theres nothing wrong in making profit, and PRS guitars are of exceptional quality, build and make. So long as the consumers get what they want, and the business profits, everyone is happy. Flame me now and prove you're a dimwit for not following the topic.

From this post on, all other comments not contributing to the thread, need not be posted. Doing so will demonstrate your illiteracy towards the thread title, and disrespect to the thread starter.

And yes. The newer "SOFTies" could use some manners. Or some of them gonna get hurt real bad.
jumbofret, yes the topic was on what's the cheapest PRS guitars. In the 1st post, i believe his statement was about his review of PRS's quality.

If kids who think price = quality, and we still confine our views pertaining to PRS only, then it's flawed, no? Davis do import ESP Japan guitars for eg. aren't those overpriced for factory made too?
Stop quoting Russell Peters, it's not funny anymore.

And it's somebody gonna get "a" hurt real bad.

Without the 'a' it's just stupid.
Russell who? Anyway.

Back to the freaking topic. Stop this nonsense already. You're not helping the thread starter by posting all your nonsense here. Settle your issues via PM. Start posting stuff which ACTUALLY HELP for once.
Edo83, yes, even with the precision CNC machinery offers, it still boils down to the quality management of the company. The smaller Asian factories lack the know-how on this. The American and Jap guitar builders are light years ahead of them in the whole manufacturing process.

DeathCubeK wrote "PRS is so not worth the money. Why pay 3 -4 K for a factory made guitar? Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality.". So doesn't that mean the "Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality." remain in context with the PRS issue, no? :)

About ESP Japan guitars, it's the whole corporate management thing. That biz practice/mindset was imported from USA. ESP is an overzealous Jap company... :cry:

Ok, edo83, I will stop the rude attitude. Your reply was the ONLY one different from the rest. It was neutral, constructive and intelligent, rather than judgemental and emotional. Such good traits are rare in S'pore...

Yes there is certainly nothing wrong with using CNC technology, in fact it results in a better and uniform part/product. And it's less risky.

PRS is different from the other big guitar companies like Fender and Ibanez, in the sense that it was founded by a man who manually crafted guitars in his workshop. And he built up a reputation with high-quality handmade guitars. I believe that a lot of guitar heroes such as Vai have at one point in time, played a handmade PRS guitar before. This gives PRS a very unique history that is being exploited today.

BlackMoo, sorry for this late reply, I was writing this before you posted. I do not have issues with companies making money. That's business, and there is nothing wrong with that. Non-profit businesses are known as charities (lol, you guys got screwed by NKF, remember?)

"Profiteer - One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply."
"Opportunist - One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences."
I have issues with the terms listed above. PRS is both a profiteer and an opportunist.

See, BlackMoo, I was able to reply back without flaming you or anyone else. And the nature of your posts in this thread was very rude and childish, plus it doesn't have any purpose whatsoever. I was being rude, yes, not childish. In that post about PRS' operations. I was amused by the "From this post on, all other comments not contributing to the thread, need not be posted. Doing so will demonstrate your illiteracy towards the thread title, and disrespect to the thread starter."

This will be my last post on this topic, the answer to the cheapest PRS has been given by subversion already.
well well...PRSs... some people call them soul-less guitars, some just say it's plain quality. I think what Sub's trying to say is that, a squier may be shit to some (no offence), but they may be THE best guitar for another?

who's to say that fenders are better than yamahas, that gibsons are better than arias, that PRSs are better than TGMs? no offence intended to guitar owners of those brands, but, thing is, it's really up to your own tastes, not rather to what others perceive.

i'm of the opinion that PRSs are of sublime quality, yes, they are NOT hand-made, but more of machine-made, but hey...people are buying the guitars ain't it? Some prefer the handiwork of a luthier, some don't give a damn. To me, you try a PRS, and a gibson tt's handmade, and you may even find that the machine-crafted PRS is better constructed than a hand-built?

in the end, it really is up to the user, and hey...if Jimmi hendrix held that guitar, and played purple haze or red house with it, you wouldn't even dare to criticize the brand, or whatever built the guitar was.

and about name-calling, i think that it's dumb, it's cool to debate, to voice your opinion, but when it comes to calling someone dumb, especially someone whose reviews in this forum has given us much enlightenment and has enabled us to make better decisions, and yeah, to tell the truth, some of what he gives the thumbs up to, are thumb downs for me, but i appreciate that, and so will most of us here.

let's just cool off.....and it's not really a matter of newbie, oldbie or whatever you wanna call yourselves, let's just learn, comment, debate, and make music ya?