Edo83, yes, even with the precision CNC machinery offers, it still boils down to the quality management of the company. The smaller Asian factories lack the know-how on this. The American and Jap guitar builders are light years ahead of them in the whole manufacturing process.
DeathCubeK wrote "PRS is so not worth the money. Why pay 3 -4 K for a factory made guitar? Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality.". So doesn't that mean the "Davis makes a whole lot of money out of kids who think that price equates quality." remain in context with the PRS issue, no?
About ESP Japan guitars, it's the whole corporate management thing. That biz practice/mindset was imported from USA. ESP is an overzealous Jap company...
Ok, edo83, I will stop the rude attitude. Your reply was the ONLY one different from the rest. It was neutral, constructive and intelligent, rather than judgemental and emotional. Such good traits are rare in S'pore...
Yes there is certainly nothing wrong with using CNC technology, in fact it results in a better and uniform part/product. And it's less risky.
PRS is different from the other big guitar companies like Fender and Ibanez, in the sense that it was founded by a man who manually crafted guitars in his workshop. And he built up a reputation with high-quality handmade guitars. I believe that a lot of guitar heroes such as Vai have at one point in time, played a handmade PRS guitar before. This gives PRS a very unique history that is being exploited today.
BlackMoo, sorry for this late reply, I was writing this before you posted. I do not have issues with companies making money. That's business, and there is nothing wrong with that. Non-profit businesses are known as charities (lol, you guys got screwed by NKF, remember?)
"Profiteer - One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply."
"Opportunist - One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences."
I have issues with the terms listed above. PRS is both a profiteer and an opportunist.
See, BlackMoo, I was able to reply back without flaming you or anyone else. And the nature of your posts in this thread was very rude and childish, plus it doesn't have any purpose whatsoever. I was being rude, yes, not childish. In that post about PRS' operations. I was amused by the "From this post on, all other comments not contributing to the thread, need not be posted. Doing so will demonstrate your illiteracy towards the thread title, and disrespect to the thread starter."
This will be my last post on this topic, the answer to the cheapest PRS has been given by subversion already.