What's playing in -your- stereo?

haha. damn. all the music here (as in you guys) like so hardcore.

kate of kale; siti
kate of kale; 29 apologies
kate of kale; soundtrack to the perfect you
fifty-nine minutes; knowing you
plainsunset; closure
saves the day; anywhere with you
saves the day; i'm sorry i'm leaving
eighteen visions; i let go
no use for a name; international you day
ash; renegade cavalcade
ash; orpheus
melissa auf der maur; taste you
cold; suffocate
deftones; minerva
now playing:

The Dark Side...
1. Napalm Death- The Code is Red...
2. Deathspell Omega- Circumstances...
3. Krieg: The Black House
4. Marduk: Panzer Division...
5. Darkthrone: Plague wielder...
6. 1349: Beyond the Apocalypse

1. John Scofield- Up All Night
2. Frank Gambale- Best of...
3. Level 42- Best of...
4. Van Halen- Best of...

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