What was, is or you hope yr NS vocation wud be?

Signal Trainee :)

I get extra 100 bucks of pay and my job involves me sitting around an air conditioned computer lab studying stuff I studied for physics last year.

Apparently it's even better in unit, especially if I get posted to some HQ, most likely will involve computers, I'm IC2, so can just arrow the IS platoon and say it's their problem.

No chance of manpacking or line laying I guess, excused from A LOT of things.
Eh army sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad i had to chabot from NS coz my dad had to relocate from Singapore just as i was 18 lol. But i always had the ambition to become a Fighter pilor for the RSAF.
Looks like alot of Softies had really easy army lives... For me as a recruit wanted to be transferred to CD as officer but didn't get then went SISPEC then BSLC hoped to go Medic cause it is slack and 8-5 most of the time but didn't get go ASLC then in the end went to Tekong to become a sect comm and now PS. I hate the life but what to do, just waiting to ORD soon.
Enlisted in 98
ORD or ROD in 2000
Was with 1st signal Bn as a driver.
Good life everyay. Drive aircon GP car around the island doing special mail runs. No need book into camps. got special pass for every camp.
I had a good life with PES A status. Now awaiting final reservice....
So sad.... I want to extend my cycle for another 10 years. Good to be paid for 2 weeks to sleep in camp
Looks like alot of Softies had really easy army lives... For me as a recruit wanted to be transferred to CD as officer but didn't get then went SISPEC then BSLC hoped to go Medic cause it is slack and 8-5 most of the time but didn't get go ASLC then in the end went to Tekong to become a sect comm and now PS. I hate the life but what to do, just waiting to ORD soon.

which coy??
Looks like alot of Softies had really easy army lives... For me as a recruit wanted to be transferred to CD as officer but didn't get then went SISPEC then BSLC hoped to go Medic cause it is slack and 8-5 most of the time but didn't get go ASLC then in the end went to Tekong to become a sect comm and now PS. I hate the life but what to do, just waiting to ORD soon.

Which coy?
Training right now to be Ammo Tech. Appear to be a relatively new vocation for NSFs to be posted to. Just 27 batches since.

Probably the best support vocation to have. Quick promotions, easily one year of 3SG rank. Its not all good of course, you got to put your name down on some documents certifying certain ammunitions are safe for use etc. Anything happens, nowhere to hide cuz name is in black and white on that piece of paper. Nobody else to rescue ur ass then.