What happen to the Winners of School of Rock?

redname said:
on a personal view, its true metal & heavy stuff is best heard when the volume is high, gives u the punch but as musicians, we must know wat is being too loud in order to compromise each other, some of the bands i c jus have everyone doing their loudest as if they wanna out do each other, without caring whether they r overshadowing their band mates

this is so true.. some bands i've seen crank up their volumes on max, especially wen it comes to the soloing.. talk about ego :?
wah..if got groupies damn cool ah!! but dont have lah Sofyan...Singapore rarely got such things anyways..

the winner of Miss Seventeen damn pretty..haha..then got some pretty cute..didnt get to get to know any of them..cos im not handsome enough...damn...
Re: true

redname said:
shows the sound man nvr sound check probably. being louder doesn't make the mixer clip, being on higher gain does. so the sound man must make sure they dnt have so much gain lor

I think what Darren meant is that on the soundman end, he can only control what is in his domain. What the band does with their own instruments and amp, the soundman cannot help.

If the band just want to crank and whack at everything max, it leaves the soundman without much left to control anymore.

Do you want the soundman to walk over to your guitar amp and cut the volume by 3/4 and screw you left right?? Or even better simply Bo Chap, let you screw up your own sound.

This not only apply to metal music, a lot of "newbie bands" and "ego-maniac" bands fall under this category too.
the bands tht crank up their volume r nt gd bands, simply put. there r lots of metal bands ard tht u have yet to c n judge. bt anyways, lets nt bring it down to a genre competition. i say techno is the shit!
ash said:
wah..if got groupies damn cool ah!! but dont have lah Sofyan...Singapore rarely got such things anyways..

I thought Dathamonga had some 12-13 year-old groupies? shoudlnt be quite rare haha
naah. ppl carrying banners n all is just a faux pas for small-scale metal gigs. for gig's sake its nt a competition..i think.
Re: true

Darren said:
Show me a metal band that knows how to play metal softly, thats when u get it technically tight and dont rely on volume to just feel it.

:D A metal band that can play softly, I think that would be more interesting than John Cage's 4'33"
nak said:
my friend told me that chris ho quoted in the papers. the word in alternative is just a lie. a lie for money and not for real music. and metal will be the last genre from the underground scene to rise.

wa how i wish the scene in singapore is like those of the scandanavians(pardon spelling error). or what about canada's metal scene. or florida. what the heck even malaysia, indo, thai!

singaporeans are too close, too narrow open minded. maybe cannibal corpse's too brutal. start of with something simple in singapore, like good old pantera. or slayer even. nobody's asking you singapore, to listen to likes of cannibal corpose, nile etc etc. at least not yet.

what kinds of genre has so many things fused into 1. jazz, electronica and sorts has been fused into metal. you dont see those in alternative music dont you?

metal rose back in the mid 80s already in singapore. no need to proove those commercial pigs anything. they're money making machines and they'll never change.

like you said nak, metal by far has evolved with the most imho by blending in electronica, jazz, progressive music, techno, classical styles, folk music, tribal music and so forth. if they say that metal doesnt sell, i'd say hell yeah cos we're not supposed to be some fashion show puppets. we'd rather play professionally and then get recognised for our music. singapore will never change and its just a stepping stone . Remember that we can do better if they only gave us a chance but they're not, so the only way top is through hardwork. Take local bands from the past like Impiety, Rudra, Eibon for example and look where they are.

and xho is just another poser hand puppet with his trendy mohawk. any sane person who digests real punk music would know that. he's not even punk.

all in all, we are being prejudiced by , sad to say , local organisers and we have to live with it. Let these few posts be read by a few but they'll get the msg. If it is to be deleted later , we all know the truth.
IMO in skool of rock perpetual dawn should have gotten into the finals....i'm sure everyone agrees with that but juzz becoz they had gore and they didn't get picked...honestly, they beat us hands down in that competition....lets hope events like this can be more towards music in a pure sense not marketablility...juzz my 2 cents worth..