What happen to the Winners of School of Rock?

gaderel_dathamonga said:
IMO in skool of rock perpetual dawn should have gotten into the finals....i'm sure everyone agrees with that but juzz becoz they had gore and they didn't get picked...honestly, they beat us hands down in that competition..

Dude don say that, u guys put up a great show!
okay but i really loved perpetual dawn lah. i was so crushed(lol. seems like im a band member like that) when they didnt get into finals. LOL.

did you see sofyan solo-ing!? omg! hahaa.
ALAMAK! Sofyan, shiok right the feeling? AHH..

Anyway, I believe music is music. Thats why despite being a metalhead, I don't believe in the Metal vs Punk thing because I feel Music should be appreciated for it's unique individuality and different sounds. Unless some Oi! skinhead comes to be with Hate Eternal suck cock, then he'll have a reap the rewards of my 'trainings' while watching The Contender. My point is, dont disturb me I won't disturb you. To each his own guys.

It's not like our music scene is that HUGE anyway man. Seriously, about 3dash1 winning SOR due to commercial profibility and all I don't know. I wasn't at SOR but from what I heard Perpetual Dawn aka Deathsynth played pretty darn well too.

If SOR had a text in to vote for your favourite band kinda thing like SI or INXS thing. IMO, it could have been anybody's game. Though I would have voted about 10 times for Perpetual Dawn.. :P
An Update to this thread.

Check out todays Straits Times (Life section I think). 14 Oct 2005.

There is a 1/2 page article and pics of the finalists of the SOR. Also a follow up performances by the finalists today, tomorrow and the day after.

So still some happenning and story update.
Re: true

mikemann said:
I think what Darren meant is ...

well, i tink we have to know the actually setup of the stage itself b4 comments r made. when a sound man is needed to ctrl the mixer, it shows tht everyting goes thru the system, so those amps r jus for montiors. with the mains gng thru the speakers & everyone gng thru DIs & into the mixer, i dnt c y the soundman cant ctrl