What Good 5 string can i get for $1800- $2100

I've always wondered what a 5 string would feel like. I sorta chanced upon a 6 string bass and got an ibanez sr506 as my first bass. Rather ambitious for a first bass but I'm getting used to the wide neck...also ibanez bass necks are rather thin and comfortable. I love my sr506...rather heavy though...mahogany body.
reyrey said:
get a detuner,works for me =) but too bad not untill low b =P

detuner would work, but then u'd either have to get a high end bass that has hipshots or similar, or swap out your whole bridge :? any idea of the rough cost of a mod? or whichever 4 strings have nice detuners?
really ah? but for a specific bridge/tuning machines, u'll need specific detuner right?

mann how do those things work. never used one b4. look easy to use tho :D like flipping a switch.
oh that one for specific bass only,coz diff bass got diff size of tuning hole,eg. fender and musicman got diff size of tuning hole for their neck,fender cant use musicman's detuner and vice versa,
for bridge,no need special bridge,any bridge that suit the bass will do =)

it works very simple,got sort of 'switch/toggle' attached to the detuner,when it is facing upwards,the tuning will be E,but when you pull it downwards,the note will drop to low D
vertical positon[E note] -> |
horizontal positon [low D] -> __
when it is horizontal,it basically loosen the string untill the note D
well you can adjust the note by noodling with the detuners [kinda hard to explain in sentence bro,you must see the detuner then you can get the idea]
and when you push the switch to vertical again,voila,back to E note,so no need to tune drop D,you can do it less than 3 secs by noodling with the switch/toggle
hope you're not confused after reading my explanation
haha i understand THAT part of how it works... but how it ATTACHES on or... whatever :P how to install 101. and ... well... how much 8O
dun worry bout the switch bro,its attached,hahaha,like everything is done for you,what you need to do is fit it in like how you fit in normal tuner,price is us80$,i bought it from guitarpartsresource.com
eh anyone know where can test sadowsky basses ah? btw WHO HAS HAD PROBLEMS WITH LUTHER MUSIC. THEY KUP MY BASS A WEEK AND A HALF STILL NO NEWS!!!! WHAT AM I DO TO? :x :cry: :(
i sent them an email yesternight. no reply
tomorrow calling
my saddle too low/ end up first two frets keep havin buzz
so i went there to raise the saddle.
dont know why the saddle raisin take 2 weeks
and they send the bass to some workshop to service. so unless they've got my bass. no point goin. im sad man! :cry: who knows how long it normally take to fix a saddle? ANYONE?
i try to avoid any fixing down here man,if there's no other choice then i go to luthier,otherwise i buy brand new stuff n fix it myself,otherwise i'll be getting a panick attack every min [thinkin bout my bass]
erm okay dude, 1st off all, are you talking about the NUT? cuz u can adjust the saddles yourself with an alan key or screwdriver depending on your bass.

and it only takes 5 seconds to do a minor saddle adjustment.

and if it's the 1st two frets it's probably the nut.

otherwise, u've got a whole line of reasons behind it, from truss rod to worn out 1st two frets.
so erm... WHY did u send saddle adjustment to luthermusic? i think anyone would have done it for you in a few minutes, not kept it for one week.
the ppl just called. it's the nut. heheh.
seems like they didn't do nothing about it.
want me to go down on monday
looks like it's hopeless :cry:
if it's something wrong with the nut, get it changed, the nut is ... well... simply glued on? it's not a simple task but it's definitely alot easier than changing bridge or neck...