what effect to use for....


New member
im asking this question for my bassist..
we r 3 piece band..we cover band like creed,audioslave,muse..
currently my bassist dont use any effect pedal..
i suggest him to use a pedal especially when covering muse..
anyone know what kinda effect muse bassist use for song like hysteria for example..i really find its important for him to use effect since im the only guitarist in the band...and my bassist know nothing about bass effect..
IMO.. i dun like a bassist that uses effects.. i prefer a bassist that uses brains n fingers in music...
Not very helpful there Gr3y haha...

soulrock: If your bassist wants a sound that comes close to Wolstenholme's Hysteria tone, it's gonna probably cost him. I believe its coming from an Akai Deep Impact (synth pedal) - around $400+ USD on Ebay. Anyway its a fuzzy synth sound and maybe with a really quick sweep (not prominent). Would be probably good to try the Ehx Bass Micro Synthesizer ($495 from MrMisse?). Personaly I just use a Zvex Woolly Mammoth with a volume pedal to cut down output on the verse, toe-down on chorus and riff parts.
i got a russian big muff distortion sustainer..
it not that good
however it give thats nice fat tone that i've been longing to hear..

this sound could definately be obtained by using EQ
so..the big muff is only 105 from yamha..it quite a good price to pay...and i use it to boost my volume most of the time... at the climaxes of the song...

question: i think of getting a synthesizer from boss at swee lee
but i have the impressiont hat it wont do the job well...
should i get the akai deep synth or should i get the boss
because...i'm not sure about buying the akai...as i dont have the
chance to test it out
You can't really go wrong with the Akai cos it's been tried and tested, but be prepared to fork out at least 300USD for it, excl shipping. They are out of production.
did someone say chris wolstenholme?



i've heard the akai deep impact has been discontinued.

i've got this efx patch in my line6 gearbox thats called Bronze Master. apparently modelled after the Maestro Brass Master. i'm not sure if u can find it. probably discontinud as well. came from the 70s period but it does sound a lot like wolstenholme's tone.

if u are that crazy crazy enough u can build your own stompbox to model after this amazing tone by visiting this: http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=144&Itemid=171
if you cant find any of those things and dont want to use ebay
you could go for the bass synth from boss/roland
for distortion bass overdrive
and an eq pedal to give you the right sound everytime
you may need a digi delay and
octave pedal may come in handy
Oh no please don't get the ODB-3. Worst "bass overdrive" pedal I've ever come across.

Basses usually sound nicer with fuzz pedals like EH Big Muff (US version pls) or Little Big Muff. The Brass Master is also classic.

Ibanez SB-7 is a cheap synth effect to use. More of a EQ + Fuzz pedal rather than a true note tracking synth, hence the price!
no point talkin abt brass master here bro... not used by any star see ... so no popular see:?

I have built it ones long time ago ...it ripps !! :twisted:

Btw lotsa choices for a cheaper alternative ...Boss, Digitech, ibanej :lol: collectively released a Bass Synth/wah type !!
