what effect to use for....

the odb-3 can give very nice sounds as long as you have an EQ behind

and anyone of you know where to get SYB-3 or SYB-5
anybody know which one solid pedal can do the hysteria job? i heard ibanez SB7 and BOSS SYB-5 OR SYB-3 shld do the job.
i tried to look for SYB 3 and SYB 5
i havent checked out the SB-7

sweel le doesnt even have the pedals la....damn sad

and if anyone knows where to buy the SB -7 let me know

the SYB 5 is being sold for 170 or 200 on Ebay
SYB 3 for only 100..but its from australia and on auction

please please give me onfo on the SYB's or SB-7 if possible

bass til i bleed
hello people ;-) can anyone advise me wats the difference between Boss Bass EQ & the SANS AMP? Currently i'm using Zoom BFX708 & i still can't get the right sound. Tks to comment on the BFX708 effect too. Fyi i', using a precision bass.. cheers :lol:
Bass EQ is simply a paragraphic equalizer with a range of frequencies that can be controlled by using sliders to boost the frequency you want.
SansAmp is a amp modeller with tube emulation/OverDrive with a D.I function.
tks for the advise guys, but can i just use the boss bass eq cos i believe it's much more cheaper than the sans amp. btw how much do these effects cost ya' & which music stores is selling them. hmm... btw do u guys know whre can i get the 2nd hand stuff? cheerio
So what are you exactly looking for Aleck?
If you go to a jamming studio, and the bass amp has a graphic EQ already than there's no need to get an EQ Pedal. If you do get one, I suggest practicing subtractive EQing.
If you want more variable amp sounds to toggle with(With tube emulation and the OD Effect) than get the SansAmp. Just watch the blend knob.