What do you think jazz is?

DarkRed you play jazz bass too?

That's cool... Do you play anywhere or gig?

Hi bro, Ive been playing bass for a while and gig sometimes, but when it comes to jazz im still very fresh. Our band plays more conventional / popular stuff to serve our audience, not much jazz (did an alicia keys song though :p).

Jazz wise, learnt the ropes from Bong in yamaha a while back but only recently found friends to jam a bit with recently. Work n studies takes up most of my time, so progress is slow... but i practice a bit weekly :)

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jazz to me is the feel. somthing like the blues where you get high with the solos. but jazz to me is more expressive than blues. maybe that is why it has to do with the odd time signatures.i play mathcore and i did some homework too and realised that jazz is something like that but very raw kind. you know, piano, sax kinda lounge mathcore type-a-kind. other than that it feels like blues, tastes like blues, smells like blues.
To me, jazz is a form of "crazy" music expression and creavitity. Ever since the start of jazz, it has constantly been evolving every single second. Look at it through the years and u will see that it has a lot of different subgenres compared to other genres of music. I would say jazz came from the blues music origin and ended up to be on its own now. The most amazing part that I think in jazz is its ability of freedom in combination and fusion with various music genres.
Jazz is musicality and freedom.

My favourite jazz exponents are John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong and Sarah Vaughan.
They say: Jazz is Improvision, it's Freedom - - - - that's good it means I can play anything - - - and I'll call that Improvision & Creativity, it's out but it's ok ..... Kekekeke !
Jazz is bullshit. Bring on Ge-tai for goodness' sake.

in my opinion, jazz is about being spontaneous, and being unafraid to be different,

there are lotsa music out there which dont exactly fit that description and its still called jazz, but yea.

i agree with phil on the musicality and freedom thing ahaha
An old thread that's actually worth bumping from time to time (a rarity!)

My impressions:

1) Jazz is when everyone plays different things all at once but sound so damn bloody good.

2) In jazz, people do a lot of covers more than originals, but it is actually ok cos every cover just add different elements to it so it is never boring.
Frank Zappa

"Jazz is not dead. It just smells funny!" - F.Z.

...and then listen to his version of "Stolen Moments" on his album "Broadway the Hardway" followed by "Murder By Numbers"

I think this is the way Frank showed his respect to jazz.
jazz is norah jones, alicia keys, and kenny G :p

to be honest, pure jazz can sound very bad to my ears. Too chaotic, unstructured, and self-indulgent ("hey!check out the notes i'm playing over this chord change!")
But there are instances when everybody just clicks in the right way and it's just beautiful to listen to.
a chill version of mathcore(protest the hero, the human abstract etc). Tho im preety sure "mathcore" is derived from jazz itself. becos if im not wrong bands who play mathcore has one or two of their members having jazz background. but whatever, music is music. genres are irrelevant. anw, odd time signatures and cool beats. although it is somehow an acquired taste. like sambal belachan. okay, nvm, im just having cravings.