stillwater said:
AvonRellets said:
His prices are a little on the steep side for simple things like setting up etc.
The owner was formerly from Guitar Workshop in Ming Arcade. He already had a bad reputation when he was there. I've had several friends who sent their equipment to him for repair or modifications and found their original hardware being replaced with inferior parts. From what I heard the so-called vintage guitars on display are actually cobbled together from old and new parts e.g break up a vintage guitar into neck and body, fix them up with newer parts and hey presto! TWO vintage guitars!
These are just the milder stories I've heard. It would be good if they would come and refute them as there just have been too many of them.
exactly the same stories i've heard... steep prices, bad workmanship, dirty tactics...
its funny, wat's the point of changing ur shopname when ur face still look the same? :lol:
Same thing here. I heard very similar stories. But before i go on, let's just say that i'm just sharing my experience, and not trying to cause damage to anyone. I can't be sued for sharing my experience, can I? :lol:
GC can be very helpful at times, really. However, there's one very interesting thing worth sharing though. For your info, I've been there for guitar repair or setup for at least 3-4 times. And every single time, the repair guy (not mentioning names here, and no, I do not know how many repair person they have!) would tell me,
"This one very hard to repair. Tough job. When you need it ah?" And coincidentally, IN MY OPINION the charges for the repair jobs he quoted me is always not cheap (or at least to me). So keyword here is, IN MY OPINION, yeah. And again very coincidentally, it always take quite a long time for them to repair my guitar, possibly because "this one very hard to repair"? Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to insinuate anything. Just sharing my experience, yeah. And sure, GC is good. So don't come suing me after reading this...
So perhaps, the job is really "very hard to do"? Changing humbuckers and replacing piezo transducers. I don't know. Maybe. :smt102
Why go to them, you may ask. Because at that time, they were the only shop around. BTW, out of sheer curiousity, has anyone heard "This one very hard to repair. Tough job. When you need it ah?" from GC before?
"hard to repair, tough job" means it's gonna be a pricier repair job? :smt017 Let's just say, i'm beginning to develop a phobia from hearing that.