what do you guys think about pre-marital sex

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edder said:
Had vegetarian bee hoon this morning with a thick cup of coffee.

now now... wots for lunch. :?:

Since it's vegetarian bro, you might wanna go for something with meat, bro. If you realise, meat gives you strength. And with strength, you can maintain your dodginess...
you're absolutely right. I'm famished right now.

I think I shall have Muslim mixed rice with asam pedas stingray, sayor lodeh with tauhu and some fried tempeh.
its ok and not ok to hv PMS, depends on different ppls views!

As long as after ur wedding nite, u wouldnt want to say, or hear ur spouse saying ... " Fooo ... that was gd honey, but ive had better"

8O :smt093
we all muz remember..those girls out there are somebody's daughter..
what goes around comes around u know..must have limit in whatever u do with that girl...u r in control of your little brother..not the the other way around :P

one day, some of us gona have daughters too..
Just had fried fish beehoon at Takashimaya food court lah. Not very good. The fish like not cooked properly like that. The soup base was decent lah. Could be the MSG.

Dunno what to eat for dinner though.
There are special panadol pain relief tablets that helps to alleviate PMS. Hot pink in color. You guys can give it a try.

I had fruits for lunch today though. Needed to detox.

It all boils down to how you teach ur daughter isnt it? Most kids that engage in sex dont really communicate with their parents? I think i will be contented if she just be responsible and have just one partner.

So all you guys that are against premarital sex virgins? Just wondering...

For the record I am not for nor against premarital sex. I am for responsible fun and opportunities.
Fruits are good. Aids in digestion lah. I dunno abt you lah.

That fried fish bee hoon... well, let's just say I had better lah.
im not against it..we guys should have limits in whatever we do..

we guys always make the 1st move rite?

do u want your daughter to F around everyday...always come home late nite...worse if she's still schooling..
serious???? so the pineapples theory does hold some salt!!!

bo lai chiak ong lai!

anyway.... the best way to alleviate cramps is to drink this chinese herbs soup called Pak Zhen(Eight something something) after the cycle.

Then the next cycle will not get bad cramps. Trust me. I boil this every month for my girl.

western medicine like ponstan/panadol menstrual etc can only do so much.

cure cramps the holistic way....

oh... i'm sometimes a helpful person.... can't suppress it with my dodginess!!! :lol:

anyway cramps have been plaguing the women folks for the longest time. tot i should share mah!
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