We should have a SOFT.com Jam fest

FGL = i thought you said ADIOS?...

you are having WITHDRAWALS? you made your saying goodbye post to see how much everyone loves u isit?
i had 2 say HOLA coz I mis U guys 2 much :lol: 8) join us tyler drake...PM giant ballz & pledge yr support :P
fgl said:
i had 2 say HOLA coz I mis U guys 2 much :lol: 8) join us tyler drake...PM giant ballz & pledge yr support :P

I didn't exactly miss YOU to be honest?... you are what, 40?.. stop these stupid publicity stunts ? it's not working

i think it's TYME to go?.
bluepowder said:
hehe if u guys can get it goin I will be glad to help however i can... :wink:

Sidarth from NTU it is? cuz if its you then im callin you then you gotta pm me straight away bro. Im just gettin enough people to start things off.
:D I just receive an sms from giantballz asking me what I thought about the jam fest. I think it is an excellent idea where many musicians can come together and jam with some purpose. Is this going to be a soft.com jam fest?
HeartRockSG - what would be the administrative implications if it was a called "softjam" ? I'm speaking in terms of A & P, that is, in line with your contractual agreement with NAC, your sponsors,etc...

I know these issues can be very "iffy" with lotsa red tape...
HeartRockSingapore said:
Is this going to be a soft.com jam fest?

Why yes it is. One of the main aims of this gig is to promote this site and by doing so people can find out whats going on in the singapore music scene first hand as this is the place where we all connect and talk about our issues and everything.
hehe yep its sid from ntu :D ... Well ofcourse if we can get things going, my support is summin u dun need to worry abt...I love orgies...so who all are in?? :D
I just want opinions but would the crowd mind metal like with all the monstrous growls and shit. Because i know for a fact that some people do not appreciate this type of music because to them they see it as just plain screaming like an animal. So i would like to know how many of you will headbang the shit out of urselves if a metal band would be inside this jam...well if it happens ah..hehe
Its a JAM jam... so i don't we should "classify" the crowd there? I mean... death vocals are still an acquired taste and the majority of laypeople are not into it. Does that mean NO death metal bands should jam? Nope.

Just come on down. :wink: