Warning to all fellow softies!

Dude. That happened to me before as well. Not the same guy though.

I walked away with my stuff the moment the chap asked for a further discount.

Your friend should have done the same, or at least stood firm to the $240 asking price. Seriously. Letting such people get away with good deals is a strict no-no.

C'mon. Your friend clearly knew the chap had more cash on him than he claimed he had. So why back down. You're the one with the goods, he's the interested party.


I hope I meet this Bronson. :twisted:
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Exactly Jasper, the same thing I told my friend too. I felt very offended myself too although it didn't exactly happen on me. I think anyone would feel the same thing too. This is like friggin' explotation, or should I even say, threatening la!

What the hell!
I just hope your friend learns from this very unfortunate incident.

And I'm still hoping I meet this Bronson chap.
I have a really really simple way of dealing with people who keep asking for a discount when I don't want to give one, DON'T SELL TO HIM, I'd rather make a wasted trip than let some guy do what he did to your friend to me.
Kanna cheat sia.....

Aiyo some people ar, just dunno how to give in(the buyer I mean). Why low ball when you know the other person already so low? Give face to save face lah.....
you chaps should have walked away IMO...

you could, before parting with the goods, ask the guy one final time to agree to the stipulated deal price. this way, should something happen, there would be legal discourse.
wow.. that sucks, i myself must admit that i have lowballed people around $10 when the price is abit too high, but never $40!! which idiot agrees to buy then lowballs him on the spot, anyway, i dont think u should put his name and number up..

its so easy to find out who he is.. just google/yahoo his handphone number and u should figure out who he works for.. but u shouldnt spoil his reputation la..

anyway, thanks for the thread, maybe softies can learn how to walk away if they get lowballed too bad..
A few simple rules I put for my deals:

1) On posting my thread, I will mention the following:

- First come, first serve
- No reservation
- Deal at Tampines

2) Upon receiving PMs of interest, I will sms or pm the person my final price (if there is haggling involved) and mention time and place.

3) Once price, place and time agreed and confirmed via sms or pm, there is no more changes.

4) Maximum number of days for deal to take place: two days after confirmation. No other offers or pms that said they can deal earlier or at higher price will be entertained. (my lost in that case, but first come first serve rule still applies to be fair to earlier contact)

5) Any last minute changes eg pushing deal to a few days later, and that person will automatically go back to the last in line of queue. I will then deal with the next person who contacted me.

6) Any haggling for reduction of price after confirmation will be refused. Let us both go back empty handed, but usually since the deal is done near where I stay, lost of time and money for fare will be on the other party.
Tis guy certainly make a good business man! (IMO) But every dog has his day. We all learn froma lesson (i learn mine too), we will certainly get better everyday.
hahha. i think we should just be more wary if we were to deal with him in future.
no need to flame the f*ck out of him as twiztedjoker mentioned.
we don't wanna stoop to his level, do we?
haha chill guys, dont flame him.. managing a studio is already hard work, dont make things worse for them.. maybe his boss needed him to help the studio get new crash and china? but on low budget, then send him down to try and bargain and get it as cheap as possible..