Wad cymbals do u guys have...


after much much long wait, it finally came...

very nice crash!!!!!

so my old two hhxtremes, 18 and 16 was replaced by this and a 18" K dark thin crash.. both being 18 inchers
Sabian cymbals :D

Acquired a couple of new Sabians in recent months. So I reckon it is time for some updated pics hehe.

The Hand Hammereds:


16" Hand Hammered Thin Chinese
18" Hand Hammered Chinese
20" Hand Hammered Duo Ride
6" Hand Hammered Splash

The HHX and Vault:


16" Vault Crash
14" HHX Groove Hats
16" HHXtreme Crash
19" HHXplosion Crash
7" HHX Evolution Splash

The AAX, AA and Pro Sonix:


8" Pro Sonix Splash (the very first purchase that kickstarted my Sabian G.A.S)
16" AA Thin Crash
14" AAX Studio Crash
18" AAX Ozone Crash
Family portrait

Putting all of them together for a Sabian family portrait:


Including their 'good friend', Meinl 16" Filter China:


They are all one happy family! :D
They are painstakingly acquired one by one over several years :)

I've always liked the Filter China. But the problem is I can't seem to fit it in with the Sabian cymbals' sound. Still have yet to find a way to fit it into the music I play too. Might try to stack it with other cymbal and see how it works out.

I knowwwwwwww! Thomas Lang's mojo is ON IT! How can I not accept it? ;)
Finally, my complete Turca family... Turca brand is history... no longer exist...


Top from left to right

17" Crash
16" Crash
15" Crash
13" China
12" Splash
11" China

Bottom from left to right

20" Ride
14" Hi-Hat
18" Crash
10" Splash
9" China
8" Splash
Myner... haha... that was what I like about Turca which can offer such sizes and they sounded great :) there is another set available in Promusique. Btw next week i will be getting the best sounding stock cymbal set i ever heard... they are machine hammered... stay tuned...
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Aid needed..

Hi all,

i will be making my first serious investment of cymbals after self-taught for 1 yr plus..(currently using the an array of zbt hats, pro sonix crash, 201 crash & B8 ride...)

would require some help from fellow softies on which cymbals to get..

basicallly i would like to stick to a brand (so that i can have a happy family too) and i've gone thru the first n pages of this thread and read that sabian AA and the istanbul sultan are suitable for rock which is the genre i am playing...

i wouldn't say money is a problem but i would like to make my purchase more worthwhile so that i wont end up wasting money. i have heard the AA sound samples on their website and personally i like them. i have yet to go down to Nigel's to try out the istanbul but will do so when it is officially open..

thus i would like to have some advice from u guys if u want to make ur choice worthwhile, which brand will u go for (bao jia) if u happen to like both brands of sound but only have the budget for one brand in the near future?

i know that i should depend on my ears to make the choice, nonetheless, i am keeping my ears open for any comments, especially from those who have owned the above mentioned cymbals =)

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Well, I asked my mentor the same question and he told me this:

You should be going down to the store and testing the cymbals before you buy them. Every drummer (or every smart drummer) does that. But here's some tips: Bring along your own sticks to test them. Coz you'll know how the cymbals will respond to your own sticks. Also, choose cymbals that match the music you want to play. Don't select light cymbals for Punk or Heavy Metal and vice versa.

Hope it helps. :)
thx Schtauffen, tts a good advice..

yup, i will definitely go down to try out the cymbals, nonetheless, i would like to hear some comments and opinions too before i settle down..actually i like sabian a lot, but i just want to make sure that i am making a right choice..
Hey Yang, what kind of Rock exactly are you playing? Anyway, if you're talking about the AA Rock set, it's heavy, hence making it great for hard hitters. However, I found the crash too thick and sounding too metallic, could've sounded better live but not in my room. The ride is good if you don't expect to crash it, loud bell that's similar to a ping ride. The Hi-hats i've kept to date, and are excellent for most rock genres, good chick and sound awesome when open. I'd suggest the AA hats because if you can get em 2nd hand, they sell pretty cheap. I'd advise you to go for the HH or HHX line if you're looking at a crashable ride and/or crash cymbals.

the rock i'm playing is not those like heavy kind..more of ballad and soft rock..
i will be playing my drumset in a HDB flat with mattresses on the wall and pillows hanging on the wall..to reduce sound bouncing off..

i'm okay with a ride tt is not crashable oso..the HH and HHX are pretty ex right?
if possible, i would like to save up too..=)
HHX's are worthy investments.
you cant compare the sound of a hhx cymbal to a "XXX" brand cymbal.
the satisfaction i get when i crash my 17" Xtreme crash or 16" studio crash is unparrelled, its like that sheer 3-5 seconds of bliss.

1 thing about sabian cymbals, they only have one distributor. swee lee. and they're kinda pain in the ass, they wont let you try their cymbals.
agree totally..

hmmm..really have to trial n error for sabian...

how abt the istanbul/sultans?? anyone has comment?
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