Very late intro: GirlPants

Jugman: Erm, okay. Gimme time to set my mindset that they're broccoli and not toes. Gimme time.......

THOA: No wonder you 'felt relieved after taking the load off your bosom'.
^ Ish.. that one separate matter, k? I have secrets, you know. Like how you are a guy and Boon is a girl like that ah.
THOA: LOL. Me being a guy is no secret.

Jughead: 2 days only??? *weeps* wait, guys don't cry! Like what, I eat your toes and I'll rule the world?
You know the story of Badang? The Malayan Hercules? Who ate the vomit of some stupid demon that he caught after the demon keep stealing his fish? That's how Badang became strong.

Maybe if you eat his toe can become like that :mrgreen:

hahahaha long time never hear the story sia.

try ah. who knows what super powers you might get when you eat my broccoli toes.
girlpants - my nurse has confirmed an opening available today - fri between 630pm and 830pm ... sms Dr Luv for booking of your gender confirmation examination
^Lol. We've been trying to get "him" to perform for quite a while, but "he" say "he's" too petrified. :p