Intro: Arkofmiracles


New member
okay i'm a little pissed now.
cuz i typed an intro of about 500 words (that's 3 paragraphs)
i clicked the damned submit button, the damned thing brought me to a log in page. i was logged in like at most 10 minutes ago.
shit happens i guess. so i'm gonna be brief.
what the hell.

never heard of Soft till about a week ago.
-thought it was gonna be Hard (opposite pun intended) to find an online music community but i did a search for online music forums

okay I'm new here, not sure how things work but I'm taking it as a good ole' normal online community. i'm still pissed man. luckily i remember what i typed.
Point form, so sorry. Helps me remember the details.
1.) I'm 18
2.) Singapore Polytechnic.
3.) Don't like my course, so I won't talk about it. (got nothing to do with music)
4.) likes to play music.

5.) Why? (Musical Life)
5.1)Played the trumpet from p1 to p6. (P1 more of theory)
5.2.)Played the french horn from s1 to s4.
5.3.) Section Leader of both sections, proud of it only cuz I've had awesome hardworking and cute juniors.
5.4)Started loving drums and rock music at p3, mostly heard stuff off the radio.
5.5)Messed with sticks and all in the band room, banged on the drums, fell in love with it.
5.6) Raised in a melodic enivronment, Born to be in a world of beats and rhythm.
5.7)Know musical notation, but not drum notation, will make it a point to learn in details in time.

6.) (Musical Life: Now)
6.1) I like the languages and the arts, but mostly music. I'm an audiovisual-spatial-kinesthetic guy (that's why I think I can be good in music hahahah) I've been naughty. Okay why naughty. I've been very very bad. Because...
6.2)It's been a loooong time since I've been back on the throne (drum throne) and been playing any music at all. (I feel like shit when I don't get to whack or blow or strum etc...) So,
6.3) What I've been doing in my explorations and learning of music:
Tabbing songs, EQ, Sound-teching. The stuff I can do in the comfort of my own home infront of my laptop. Hahah.
6.4) I only half-tab songs, cuz I don't have the motivation to complete any songs. But if it's original songs by local musicians that I find very nice and have never heard before, I will. E.g. I'm trying to tab one of my friends' songs. Guitarists of course.
6.5)Explored the audiotech world. EQs: mostly for guitars/basses, AIs(Audio Interfaces), Sound-teching: Drum-teching specifically. Mostly the surface basics/important stuffs that keep the sound going.
6.6)I love melody but somehow I prefer being the one backing up that melody with a good solid rhythm that speaks something similar.

7.) Music. Ears. Experience.
7.1) I like:
Dream Theater,
Joe Satriani,
Steve Vai,
Ynqwie Malmsteen,
G3 stuffs,
Paul Gilbert,
Marty Friedman,
and stuffs along the lines of rock and metal....
7.2) Ah. I mentioned mostly guitarists. LIke i said, I love melody, but!
I admire their drummers for getting to play with good guitarists and awesome bassists. =X
Jeff Campitelli, touring drummer of Joe Satriani, I like his style.
Lars Ulrich, I love his stuff in the live version of The Call of Ktulu and Metallica with San Fransisco Symphonic....etc etc.
7.3)But to me, a good band makes a good musician, a good musician does not make a good band.
7.4)Music is a language: that's why you can read and speak(or play) it.
7.5) And making good music and making music good requires freedom. Good music is like freedom of choice/expression/feelings. Fusion is the kinda thing I like.
7.6) I like mixing it up.
7.7) I listen to a wide range of music, I try to get the most exposure I can wherever/whenever I can help it. I've done Atreyu, Story of the Year, Trivium...etc...I've done punk and metal n stuff, but usually it's when I'm in the mood.

8.) Okay!! This is where I'm gonna stop. With an outro I guess.

"It's all about Sound. You don't sound good if you don't have a good Sound."

P.S. I need a good bassist, just decent skills should be good enough. Slapping and jazz n stuffs can be useful skills, definitely. A good knowledge of rhythm, creativity and basics, improvisation and whatnots....Freedom.
Exploring Dream Theater and originals. Just jam whatever you want. Details later.

P.P.S Unlike the guy below me, hahah, IF, ONLY IF, it's DJs mixing up tracks and sounds, that's good. Like I said, I like fusion, mixing it up and all. But, if it's bull and/or shit like Cascada n the likes...."...Everytime we touch --..." I feel like vomiting, so yeah...and turning other people's songs into remixes of trance n dance shit....that's f**kshit. I hope shit's the maximum we can go sometimes cuz I could end up cussing and getting myself banned. Hahahahah.
But I like it if someone attempts to turn rock into rap. Or fuse rock and rap. Think Linkin Park. Hahah.

"Good Music = Basics x Creativity" Simple Mathemusics.
-I've seen someone do a good drum solo with nothing but the most basic rudiments. Paradiddles, Flatamacues, Flams, all that sorts...
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