Understanding pickup output vs DC resistance


New member
Here's something from someone else. A boutique winder. His PAFs (and strictly PAFs) are pretty awesome. Some of the nicest sounding "vintage" tones I've ever come across from an up and coming winder.

Note to those seeking 13K pickups:

In some ways this is similar to choosing an amp that has dials that go to 12 vs 10, thinking you are going to be able to play louder. It is natural for people to gravitate to a single measurement to sort out what they are seeking. (it makes their search simplified AND perpetuates myths)

Did you know that a PAF type pickup may actually be LOUDER or offer more overdrive than a 13K pickup? Let me explain only a small part of what I am talking about.

PAFs use 42awg wire, which is THICKER than 43 or 44 awg wire. The thinner a wire, the MORE resistance it has, and you can get more winds on a bobbin with thinner wire.

The more reisistance you have in a circuit (with everything else being the same) the more rolled off the high frequencies are AND the LESS power you have at the output.

A PAF, depending on the wind pattern, when the bobbins are full, will top out around 9-9.5K. You run out of room. If you want to get MORE winds, you have to go to thinner wire, 43awg or 44awg. Also as you make more winds, each layer becomes longer per wind, and further away from the pole screws and slugs, this has an effect on energy too.

But here is the crux of the matter, these exampes are arbitrary but reasonalbe and demonsterative;

PAF 42awg wire 10,000 winds = 8k ohms. Nearly full.

Modern hot pickup 44awg wire 10,000 winds = 12K ohms. But you have still more room to wind more!

The PAF in THIS case (above) is actually going to have more output!! Why? LESS resistance! Same number of winds. To get the same output from the modern pickup you will have to wind more turns to make up for the higher resistance, while actually adding resistance in the process.

Resistance is NOT an indication of a pickups power in itself. It only gives you a clue as to how many winds you have IF you know the guage of the wire. It is how many WINDS you have that gives you the power.

And I do not know about you, but I would rather have the same power BUT less of my highs taken away.

Let's say to get the same power from a 44awg coil, as the PAF coil, you have to wind it up another 15% to 11,500 winds and add even more resistance, and lose even more highs. This is why many modern "hot" pickups use magnets that tend to exaggerate highs. A5, ceramic etc.

Check out his site: www.skatterbrane.com
Not everyone is into the paf thingy mah !

Btw some nice clips on that site ... thx

Hahahaa... No lah... Not to get ppl into PAFs, but this is a good point to note when you're trying to look at outputs vs DC resistance, and this is one reason why it's possible to have a lower output, higher wind pup as compared to a lower wind PAf.
Ya .... PAF's are nice for clean break-ups and fuzz maybe but for high gain playas like me ... need a little more lah.

Inductance, DC resistance and Distributed Capacitance

A pickup will have an inductance, measured in Henries - this figure can be anything from 1 Henry for a low output single coil pickup up to around 9 Henries for high output humbuckers. This inductance depends on the number of turns of copper wire and also on the physical shape of the coils.
Similarly every pickup coil has a characteristic DC resistance, measured in Ohms - this depends on the number of turns and the diameter of the copper wire used. Typical values can range from about 1k (1000 ohms) up to about 15k (15000 ohms).
Pickups also exhibit a "distributed" capacitance which is effectively in parallel with the inductance of the coil - this is caused by the addition of the very small capacitance between each turn on the coil.
Looking at the combination of these factors, one can consider a pickup to be an electrical circuit comprising an inductor and a capacitor connected in parallel, with a resistor in series - this is effectively a tuned circuit with a well defined resonant frequency, determined by the inductance and capacitance and a damping factor, determined by the DC resistance.

Equivalent circuit and frequency response of a guitar pickup
In practice the range of values found in typical guitar pickups result in a fairly smooth resonant peak in the upper midrange, values can be anything from one or two kHz (kilohertz) for high output humbuckers up to around 8 kHz for "vintage" single coils. It is this resonant peak which gives each pickup its own individual character.
Why do you still need your high gain pups when you got your seventhheaven to do the job?;)

Goose's 7th dosent perform miracles....A strat still sounds like a strat, a les paul like a les paul. You'd need either a tubescreamer into it or high output pups to get to death metal territory kind of compression........

Speaking of which, I have a Stan Heinsley Hellion in my bridge for high gain.....CHUGZ for life! :evil:
Goose's 7th dosent perform miracles....A strat still sounds like a strat, a les paul like a les paul. You'd need either a tubescreamer into it or high output pups to get to death metal territory kind of compression........

Speaking of which, I have a Stan Heinsley Hellion in my bridge for high gain.....CHUGZ for life! :evil:

A strat will still sound like a strat thru the 7th at highest gain? Now THATs what I call transparency!!!!:mrgreen:
Yeah bro....some will like it or hate it, but thats precisely the reason why i opted for a relatively low output Dimarzio VV in the neck...for that nice open strat tone when i require it for leads & I can roll back my guitar's volume knob for a cleaner, slight-breakup-ish kinda tone and then switch back to the Hellion for high gain chugga kinda rhythm.
Ha ha! SKATTERBRANE here. I am the author of this. I am glad it is going to good use. I am now a member and glad to be here.
I really like that Youtube on this site of Inch Chua! I think she was in a band too? I do not download music, but I would like to buy her physical CD if it ever becomes availible. I am a sucker for music by beautiful women!