yea..and i hope theres some lightings going on cause 'peep show' perform at chamber have some lighting effect and we perform with just the normal lights..
yea..and i hope theres some lightings going on cause 'peep show' perform at chamber have some lighting effect and we perform with just the normal lights..
hey there,Ryan,from local band,local scene.
1)selling is not a problem for most bands out here.
this is a way to promote our bands.and in a way of doing this,the organizer is helping us,bands,too,promoting both parties.
2) tix sold is $12.we may be good and worth to watch.for 30 mins set.
but we are tertiary students.some of us come from poor background.
most of our friends can't afford that much.pity them.lets think orite.
if we use the phrase " please come.if u dont buy my balance tix i cant play
and its ONLY $12." they will of course get a lil disappointed "are u forcing
me if i do not want to come?".this is even if we're good.and other point
"hey sorry dude,u are my friend,and the other band are my friends too,they approach me first,bought from them already".SAD right?
3) Nick " we cant afford having an empty gig while you're playing:???: "
true.nobody wants an empty gig.but we only have sold 10/30 tix.
and pay the rest of the amount of 12x20=$240.
from our own pocket money,are we rich?NO.
If we're a new band,we really know we are good and ready to perform at
gigs,where's the REAL platform for us to perform if we have not showcase
what we are made of?.Like this case,we are good,most of our friends have
NOT HEARD US PLAY,never ever perform.NEVER.we want to perform.
but how to promote like this kind of PAY BALANCED TIX event if
our friends have not heard us yet?we cant possibly managed
to sell all the tix.and have to pay balance?
if that 10 sold tix buyer came and see us perform.the rest of the paid 20
tix,goes to organizers pocket!.no friends,no audience of ours.
Nick "most bands have no problem in selling all of my not fair to them
if other bands can't manage to sell all the tix and let them play for -
Hello,bro,free jamming.then we pay you balance help sell some tix.what?
FREE JAMMING?.bet your braces gone haywire.
They have no problems.why? u layout the reasons. maybe most of them
have money to pay balance.and perform at previous gigs.when they are
fresh bands.friends heard,promote them to the other friends.
Correct?.then financially down bands>till have NO NEED PAY BALANCE
TIX,then perform?.by when?.ur an organizer in this small music scene.
you expect support,where's ours?.we help u sell tix already and u want
us to pay u the balance?. we travel with money.go out travel, we need
something to eat,fill our hunger.
Treat your money as an investment?.ok,see here we invest so much that
we only could afford.those who say this,$$ stable.not rich but stable.
SOME REALLY AWESOME MUSICIAN,$$ down! and have to bear this kind
of NICK-ERA.oh way.
You did not even apologise to bands at artshouse on 19th april when we
we already awared you of the drumset and amplifier.
Last year at Scarlett City,AMK HUB,my band perform.i played guitars.
ONE of the amp is spoilt suddenly. and the tech man told me to use the F**king monitor as my amp!. what is this?.i rush to tell you.u busy with your tix.
and lied saying you would attend to my band in a shortwhile. cause of
your carelessness,my band played 20 mins set,overtimed the band after
Ultrasound and Rockon organizers should really think of this issue.
To some bunch of wackos.this is to aware perfoming bands of what
we experienced as bands. and what about you organizers? also not
complaining izit? you also trying hard to aware bands that it's hard
for you guys ryte?.same as us.
oh yeah.dont mush around telling bands to think of this gig as a
consideration to what we are awaring them when you really
need to make effort to erase the pay balance tix mindset!.
all i can say is that if your not prepared to make some sacrifices for the music you play then don't expect to go far