My opinion
Hello everyone ,
I play guitars for a local band called Shotgunstart and when we started out last year it was with this rockon/ultrasound gigs . Thing is that there are many views and opinions on it . When we started out giging the band didn't have contacts at all or rather it was very limited . Having played at a few of the shows organised by Nick we've gained stage experience by giging with other new bands and shared feedback and suggestions about each other , It is a great platform for bands to start out with and experiment . During the course of those shows , we met quite a number of people that helped us along the way . We've also seen how bands can suck so much that everybody just leaves the room(yes its that bad) we've also seen some really awesome bands with loads of potential to go far
So here are my suggestions
1) Treat it like a really expensive jamming session with a crowd but keep in mind , how long can your friends keep paying to see you play unless you guys are really that good and new people want to come to your shows
2) after a few shows or whenever your band is ready PLEASE MOVE ON , don't get all angry over it , if your music is good people are bound to notice you and offer help .
3) Make loads of friends , don't be arrogant cause bands need all the help and support they can get and the people that you accidentally or sometimes with pun intended offend might actually be the key personal that can link you to important people .
4) If you don't like the idea of paying to play then don't (i don't)
5) He makes you sign a contract so technically if you don't pay ,logically he can take you to court
6) Complaining doesn't get you anywhere
7) your band obviously has to have standards before you move on
thats about it guys , pm me if you want any advice and i'll do whatever is within my means to help provided your not a screamo/emo trashy band haha and actually play decent stuff
Hello everyone ,
I play guitars for a local band called Shotgunstart and when we started out last year it was with this rockon/ultrasound gigs . Thing is that there are many views and opinions on it . When we started out giging the band didn't have contacts at all or rather it was very limited . Having played at a few of the shows organised by Nick we've gained stage experience by giging with other new bands and shared feedback and suggestions about each other , It is a great platform for bands to start out with and experiment . During the course of those shows , we met quite a number of people that helped us along the way . We've also seen how bands can suck so much that everybody just leaves the room(yes its that bad) we've also seen some really awesome bands with loads of potential to go far
So here are my suggestions
1) Treat it like a really expensive jamming session with a crowd but keep in mind , how long can your friends keep paying to see you play unless you guys are really that good and new people want to come to your shows
2) after a few shows or whenever your band is ready PLEASE MOVE ON , don't get all angry over it , if your music is good people are bound to notice you and offer help .
3) Make loads of friends , don't be arrogant cause bands need all the help and support they can get and the people that you accidentally or sometimes with pun intended offend might actually be the key personal that can link you to important people .
4) If you don't like the idea of paying to play then don't (i don't)
5) He makes you sign a contract so technically if you don't pay ,logically he can take you to court
6) Complaining doesn't get you anywhere
7) your band obviously has to have standards before you move on
thats about it guys , pm me if you want any advice and i'll do whatever is within my means to help provided your not a screamo/emo trashy band haha and actually play decent stuff