Ultrasound@Playden 1st Feb 09 21 Nonstop bands

Fixed the double entry of blacken damage. sorry for the confusion.

Playden is very suited for moshing. There is a large center area.
been there, saw that.

it's a nice area.
just wish more audience were participative,
instead of slackign around the seats.

Hmmm...how was da last ultrasound?
did many ppl come?
got big mosh not??hahax...
nvr joined one b4..
maybe tis tym...haha
yah the audiences rather sit at their seats pretending that they are watching a cinema. Honestly hate the crowd sometimes. it will just costs us performers on the stage to have no mood watsoever to 'headbang' or get groovy for the play!
one thing i really find heart warming was that the parents of those budding musicians were there to support them.

how i wish my parents would be there.

but then again,
i think they may get the shock of their lives.
showing parents the true face of young teens today.
showing friends that dont like rock but came to support. MOSHING? WTF IS THAT?

anyway, I really like it when everyone is on the floor jumping and so. Makes the mood.. true..

I once entered this gig when the auds are sitting at the corners...

dun even feel like singing
showing parents the true face of young teens today.
showing friends that dont like rock but came to support. MOSHING? WTF IS THAT?

anyway, I really like it when everyone is on the floor jumping and so. Makes the mood.. true..

I once entered this gig when the auds are sitting at the corners...

dun even feel like singing

haha dude moshing aint a violent thing.'true' moshers will pick up those who fell and no punches are thrown.i guess u gt the more 'uncivilised' moshers who just wanted to fight intead of havin a fun mosh which are rather prevalent in corwds of the'scene' today.totally feel ya .but well just donn make it sound like its a social problem man.blame on on the idividual.well moshing beats drinking and substance abuse right?cheers friend
erm, what do you mean by commentator?
is it like MC or like football commentator?

either or, there isn't.
as in no MC, no football comentator.

and yeah, there will be door tickets.

and why am i typing all these?
hey dude are there any e-posters out ? so we can place it up on our site and maybe you could aswell on other sites. (myspace,facebook etc..)