Ultrasound@PLAYDEN 18April09 12noonto11pm 22 nonstopbands

i didn't put free so i don't see why is this my fault again?

why shud i lie man... i am not like u to lie. u sms my fren and my fren surely pass the sms to all the band members. were hype coz its an invitation and being paid a measly 40 and now you want us to sell tikets? i guess u just withdraw the band Thy Fallen Kingdom from the list and we might jus stay away from this "Ultrasound and Rockon" 'thing'.
Goodness, don't appear trying to rectify the problem. cause honestly its so obvious you have nothing to say.

Bands, you need not even be bothered with the contract cause :

1.ROCKON isnt registered (If its registered under ROCKON in acra.com tat is) so he cant go to small court claim
2.18 and below who signs it will be void
3.He can go and claim from the court and get sue because he is operating without a business license and profiting more than $1.8 k(estimate) per event for more than 10 events, i would be curious to see what the government will do to see your accounts.

You are increasing your event to be value added to the bands by giving them guest list but honestly you dont give a shit you noe why? because you dont even hire anyone to make sure they dont crash by using the top entrance, this states:

1.You already noe you are getting sales from the bands and dont care if anyone crash because contract is signed and money is "supposedly" in before the event.
2.Its not like club where you pay per pax, its a flat rate so you can give 10000 free entry as long as the bands clear all their tickets cause your profit margin is already achieved.

I really would like to see how you change and amend your business model because people can ask bands to sell tickets at $6 dollars for 20 tickets. The difference in margin from your event and theirs at the SAME venue is 20*6*22= $2640. Please explain this, since you are showcasing talents why do you profit so much maybe you can start getting a full time job since you are so profit driven, many companies will love to hire you.

Please i would love to hear your thoughts!

1st its your math now the details!! hehe you got all of my support man!!
new and unknown bands;

please don't sign up for this sort of thing unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that it's worth it. 90% of the time, it's really, really not.