Two ACJC girls got caught doing a naughty thing...

so you support lesbianism in the toilet but do not support homosexuality. im confused...

Very unbalanced. Too much Yin, insufficent Yang.
3 scoop Ginseng powder, 1 scoop dang Gui powder, dash of salt, mixe well and drink ... will balance Yin Yang.
Off topic hehe

Tmr is my last day of 12 years of education in the ACS family.
Since theres a thread on ACJC my current school i would just like to say ACS gave me the education that i will never have received elsewhere. ( i wouldnt know anyway ).
Thank you ACS.
Regardless of the attention we receive be it positive/negative. I just wanna say im proud to have had 12 years of a wonderful life.
ACJC gave me the best first 2 days of orientation ever. (Y)

superpotatooooooooo, all the best for your As bro!
@superpotato: Yeah man i totally agree, from ACJS to ACSI to ACJC, its been one hell of a ride. I have and will always be proud to be an ACSian, because the school has done so much and given so much to me. I too, am thankful to the school for 12 years of wonderful life that was so much more than just an education.

@j_m_s: It'll be your turn soon dude, but enjoy J2 life next year first.