TubeScreamers Galore!~

ciel21 said:
if you guys are looking for a boost, go listen to a RC booster best one i heard in a while.

have you tried a Catalinbread Chilli Picoso? or a Zvex Super Hard On?

they both ranks pretty high on my "if i don't know how to build effects i'll get them" list.
no need pedal la, i just ask my roadie to turn up my amp when i want to solo~


wah the bread pedal can eat or not sound tasty~~ *gas*
zvex pedals are cool. fuzz factory is just plain wanky, i heart them.
+1 for the bad monkey. beats all the expensive modded ts9s/808s/sparkledrives/whatever hands down.
the individual low/hi controls are a huge bonus compared to most ODs with a standard tone control,great overdrive tone and a massive clean boost for solos. solid as hell pedal construction as well..

all the hype surrounding modded 808s or whatever is just that,hype. i can get my bad monkey to sound exactly the same as a modded 808 or ts9,without the annoying gritty high end.
is that the elitist snob in you speaking? Or have you tried out the Bad Monkey for yourself?
oh yea, I haven't tried the TS pedals to make an educated judgement.
the reason why some people don't want to talk so much about effect pedals and just concentrate on the playing is because everyone will start to have their own ideas and definitions and in a place when there are all sort of people, be it those that played through lots of gear or just beginners that like to read a lot but no hands on experience, will usually end up in trying to convince, over run or prove everyone wrong...

end of the day, get the pedal and play till kingdom come instead of talking

I'm saying that no pedal is better than another. They serve different purposes and sound different with different guitars and amplifiers and so on.

People who go "XXXXXXXX IS DA BEEEEEEEST!!!!111ONEONEONE" are the elitist snobs.

EDIT: I realised I'm not sure if Vaiyen is flaming me or unsane. Heh. Who were you refering to?

wow my ears must be failing me to fail to hear the grit.

ok i admit the ts-808 is overpriced and over hyped bt to say it is gritty is a tad stretching it, wat settings were you using and through what amp im curious.
keeley modded ts9 i believe into a jcm2000 crunch channel. cant remember the exact settings,high level,low drive.
... the fact is SRV found the TS too ratty .... never used it after that....what he had was something cooked up by his ever zealous tech .... most of the time he was just crankin those poor tubeys.
but hey most of his tone came from his fingers and pure passion for rock and roll....

btw tralking bout boosters ...micro amp ... nano ...whatever !
Its nice to have if if if your driving those lazy tubes ... as for trannies it just puts out more hiss to my ears... give a try .
here is one home brerw..

noise therapy ....
edder said:
sighs... what tone sucking attributes are you talking about?

Tone suck happens only when you hear treble loss in the Bypass state NOT the Effected state. What everyone is raving about is the EFFECTED sound of the 808 pedal. Not the BYPASSED sound.

That was what I was talking about Edder. Sorry if I was not clear on my post.
Anyway, guys.... I mean, I see you all getting worked up here... Sure good tone is everything to fight over, and to set things right (there is no ULTIMATE tone pedal) is even more crucial so ppl are not misled.

But chill. Don't start the flaming and name calling for this. Its not worth it. Just... leave it be and walk away, you've done your part... ;) Leave the reader to do his own research and make an educated choice.
ShredCow said:
edder said:
sighs... what tone sucking attributes are you talking about?

Tone suck happens only when you hear treble loss in the Bypass state NOT the Effected state. What everyone is raving about is the EFFECTED sound of the 808 pedal. Not the BYPASSED sound.

That was what I was talking about Edder. Sorry if I was not clear on my post.

and what i was trying to say all these while is that tone suck has got nothing to do with the 808 or 808 mods that you're claiming to make a difference.

anyway, i just wanna dispell all those urban myths spreaded by those who does not know what goes on in the circuit.

buzz words are those that sells and make everyone feels good.

the emperor new clothes will always look the best.
Ah.... i see my error now! Sorry man... I was blindly basing my assumptions on my TS9DX and on what I've been reading up.

However, aren't the new TS808 re-issues plague with this tone sucking attribute? When off, of course. ;)
btw, when a stock Tube Screamer is on, in the case of the TS9DX, I do heard my bass and treble being cut, leading to that pseudo mid boost.

Is this true of the TS808?
Yes. The famous TS808 mid-range hump. Some people try to counteract this. Personally I love it. But I guess it depends on your application.
edder said:
hmmm... wots the BIG DEAL about the 808? 2 resistors and an opamp will not make any significant changes to a TS9 going into a solid state amp.

It'll make a difference albeit SLIGHT difference into a tube amp.

Mods that include the clipping section, frequency shaping, gain etc is what that makes a difference. Not some 808 specs mod. I believe Randolf does all those.

So next time anyone tells you that the TS808 is da bomb? Just smile and walk away. :twisted:

aiyah ...
stop :smt067 :smt068 :smt065 fighting :smt071 :smt062 :smt072 you guys ...~

i think i'm gonna take edder's advice ~
:smt083 walk away ....
lol :twisted: lol