Tube Amp Users Roll Call!

riff said:
brundisium said:
just an observation. Seem like it's more on listing out the gear here more than the infos on tube change, tonal differences etc..

Since that the case, I shall start the ball rolling.. :smt002

Amp: Fender Pro Junior

Tube used: 2x12AX7 (pre), 2xEL84(power)

Problem and Observation: Buzzing like crazy after few hours of play, microphony effects.

Replaced Fender re-labelled sovtek 12AX7 with JJ's 12AU7 (don't like sovtek tube, just IMHO)

I did a search on some Fender forum and alot users did faced the same problem and Fender actually suggested to do tube rolling as some tubes are quieter than the others. The problem is how to know which tube to buy and even same manufacturer same type of tube are different, and not to mention the lack of fund.

A visit to Martin electronic (tube/valve and amp distributor) solved my problem, the very experience aunty actually advised me to use a less gain tube on the pre-amp. replacing the 12AX7 with 12AU7. They commented it will not spoilt the amp. The downside is, the amp will sound softer which is a good thing to me! It's so loud at my place! I can barely turn up to vol 3 without hurting my ears.

Once i did the replacement at home, all those buzz are gone->zilch, hardly can even hear the usual tube hiss which is common and it does goes like 30% softer! I can now cramp up the vol and the sound break up wonderfully.

I hope this benefit someone tho...


Bump for this great thread. Btw when auditioning tubes? Is it a trial an error kind of thing? How about the rebiasing part, I don't quite understand.
have a epiphone valve jr. head here!!

1 x JJ EL84
1 x Sovtek 12AX7WA
Stock output transformer changed to Hammond 125DSE
Resistors and caps changed for more 'mojo'
Standby switch added
Using a Peavey SX112 cab
Cool! Didn't know you modded it so fast already. LoL

I'm still using mine everything stock. Just wasting time building pedals instead.
haha.. actually.. havent mod yet.. but gonna mod.. i've already installed the standy switch.. the resistors, caps and transformer still at Vpost.. shipping over soon.. haah
I use a univalve head into a 2x12 with a celestion greenback and a G12H, preamp tubes are currently a NOS GE 12AY7 and a Ei 12AT7, the power tube is a single EH6CA7 (substitute for el34 but sounds like a cross between a 6l6 and an el34). The Univalve is a great tool for learning about the sonic properties of different tubes.
I also use a THD univalve with the THD 2x12 cab. Mostly I use the direct out into a cab-tone speaker sim for late night home playing
very cool setup with the cabtone! I've been trying to find a thd cab for ages, what tubes are you hooked up with in the univalve Damo? Maybe we can trade tips :D
Marshall TSL122 (Mullard V1, balanced JJ 12AT7 Phase inverters, JJ 12AX7 for the rest).

Electroharmonix EL34s balanced quad.
mesa/boogie f-30 1x12 combo.

have to swap out the high-gain JJ v1/v2 12ax7s asap. those really seem to harshen and thin up my boost-engaged gain channel. ):
I've had good results with sovtek 12ax7LPS - they have rich mids without being too harsh, nice overdriven quality. Alternatively, if you can spare 80 dollars, a mullard ecc83 will be pretty good for taming the harshness. Very rich mids. Could try those in your f-30. the LPS will be much cheaper of course.
1. 1967 Blackface Fender Super Reverb.

I still have the old preamptubes that came with the amp when i got it - one Telefunken and some RCAs. And a pair of JAN 6L6GCs. they still work but are in storage. :D

Now it has *just* *mere* EH 12 AX/AT7s and a matched pair of Svetlana 6L6GCs. :P

Recently had it restored and recapped by Mr Andrew. It's mostly original. Oh, and it has 4 CTS Alnico 10' speakers 8)

how does it sound? lush blackface heaven.

2. 90's Trace Elliot Velocette. 15w Class A, 2 EH 12AX7s, 2 Ei EL84s, Celestion UK Vintage 10 speaker. Damn braadee LOUD for a tiny amp!

photo below.

Here's mine:

'96 Matchless Chieftain 112 Combo

~ Original series 1996 build (by ex-founders Mark Sampson/Rick Perrotta)**

40 watts Class A
Tubes: 5 x 12AX7, 2 x EL34, 1 x 5AR4
Speakers: Matchless modded Celestion 12" speaker
Construction: Fully handmade, point to point wired. Ultra tough and heavy. Built to withstand nuclear attack. :mrgreen:

This baby cost me da bomb!! :smt010 But it's also a collectible booteek piece (original 1996 build) and its value may rise over the years (I hope so!). And you'll never ever guess where I bought this amp from (I think best don't say). :wink:

Sound? I don't know, quite indescribable. It has a very unique voicing; rich, lush,'s like Fender meets Marshall, but there's more to it. Already a "classic boutique", the '96 Chieftain is in one of Line6 modelling amp selection (eg. Flextone III, PODxt). As far as I'm concerned, I'm still in TONE NIRVANA!! (until the next best thing comes along!) :smt051

** These guys are the pioneers of boutique amps in the early 1990's. They founded Matchless Amps in 1989 - regarded as the first boutique amp company. Along with the '93 DC-30, the '96 Chieftain was highly praised and revered in the world of guitardom then. Matchless Amps closed down in 1998 and reopened in 2000 under a new company and management. Mark Sampson went on to build Bad Cat amps and subsequently Star amps.

My amp below:

'96 Matchless Chieftain in emerald green tolex


Glows in the dark.....just like those retro hi-fi sets


Matchless modded Celestion 12" speaker


Guitarsan you're one lucky bugger.

I think I know where you got that from too ;)

Congrats man that is a nice score, I'm full of envy right now!

I have got my own personal tone heaven with a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue.
Wa. Lovely matchless amp you got. Come on guys if you have pics, flaunt it. Make us jealous! Haha. I think this thread will evolve into a boutique tube amp thread? Yea?
Saweeeeeet matchless! Now if only you guys would stop elbow jabbing and winking at each other and tell us where you got it from! :D
i think i know where you got it from.. heh.
i used to work 'there' years ago and played that very amp many times 8)
I think I better spill the beans before people go crazy. :rolleyes:

I got it at....Swee Lee. The Sims Drive one, not Bras Basah. That amp was sitting in the warehouse for almost 10 years!

A little background. I was told Swee Lee was a distributor for Matchless amps in the 1990's until Matchless closed down in 1998. At that time, Matchless didn't sell well because of the very high price, and most customers who bought the amps were rich Indonesian tourists/musicians. Swee Lee didn't continue its dealership when Matchless resurfaced again in 2000 under new management.

Fenderben, did I got it right or did I miss out something? And any idea why your ex-boss finally wants to let that amp go. :wink:

At first I baulked at the price because it looks a bit second hand. And I can buy a brand new Chieftain online and it will still be cheaper after shipment. I thought forget it! However after I checked the amp's serial number and did some extensive research, I realised it was a 1996 Sampson-made Chieftain. Also there are people in the US who are specifically looking out for a 1996-made Chieftain. Why? The '96 Chieftain are perceived to be "better" than the current ones - as claimed by some of the loyal followers. So I thought what the heck...maybe it will appreciate in value. And I absolutely LOVE the tone anyway. Therefore I brought my new baby home. End of my loh-sor story. The End. Tamat. Finn. (I think I better start a blog next time!)


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