Tube Amp Users Roll Call!

feNdeRbeN said:
i think i know where you got it from.. heh.
i used to work 'there' years ago and played that very amp many times 8)
Oh ya....forgot to thank you for "seasoning" the tubes for me! :smt003

did u get the amp still in its original shipping box?

if not i think its the same piece that was sitting in the bras basah shop for years until (i think) they brought it back to sims drive.

anyway, there used to be a couple of custom colored matchless amps at sims drive some years back. i think they were snapped up when they were clearing them at 50% off list.

a red, a blue and a silver sparkle John Jorgeson signature model.

I just saw an old John Jorgeson model go for mucho $ on the gear page classifieds.. 8)
thor666 said:
hybrid here: Marshall AVT50.

If anyone wants to know, I leave my back of the amp open to get a more airy sound and to be able to play lower. (so it becomes openback.)

wad do u mean by playing lower?
guitarsan said:
I think I better spill the beans before people go crazy. :rolleyes:

I got it at....Swee Lee. The Sims Drive one, not Bras Basah. That amp was sitting in the warehouse for almost 10 years!

A little background. I was told Swee Lee was a distributor for Matchless amps in the 1990's until Matchless closed down in 1998. At that time, Matchless didn't sell well because of the very high price, and most customers who bought the amps were rich Indonesian tourists/musicians. Swee Lee didn't continue its dealership when Matchless resurfaced again in 2000 under new management.

Fenderben, did I got it right or did I miss out something? And any idea why your ex-boss finally wants to let that amp go. :wink:

At first I baulked at the price because it looks a bit second hand. And I can buy a brand new Chieftain online and it will still be cheaper after shipment. I thought forget it! However after I checked the amp's serial number and did some extensive research, I realised it was a 1996 Sampson-made Chieftain. Also there are people in the US who are specifically looking out for a 1996-made Chieftain. Why? The '96 Chieftain are perceived to be "better" than the current ones - as claimed by some of the loyal followers. So I thought what the heck...maybe it will appreciate in value. And I absolutely LOVE the tone anyway. Therefore I brought my new baby home. End of my loh-sor story. The End. Tamat. Finn. (I think I better start a blog next time!)


sweet score bro, and very cool story. Its like finding a closet 57 strat in your grandfather's closet or something.
ala_carte said:
thor666 said:
hybrid here: Marshall AVT50.

If anyone wants to know, I leave my back of the amp open to get a more airy sound and to be able to play lower. (so it becomes openback.)

wad do u mean by playing lower?

louder i mean. my bad.

anyway i sold the AVT50 already.
Fender Blonde Blues Junior

Time to bump this thread.

Frenzel 5E3 w/o 1x12 Black Shadow Speaker.

Yes, the cabinet looks like a piece of furniture.



Nice. Where did this come from?

Anyway, mind tell me more about the Black Shadow Speaker? Your personal take that is. :wink:
Sweeeeet amp.

thor666 said:
Yes, the cabinet looks like a piece of furniture.
Dun worry bro, the grille cloth of my Chieftain looks like nicotine stain! As long as it sounds great, who cares!

Phil & Ark: Both items from ebay. Frenzel ( sells its stuff periodically on ebay , the cab and speaker was a last minute ditch as no one bidded for it (surprisingly).

Phil: I haven't had much experience with speakers but I must say, I'm extremely impressed with the Black Shadow speaker. It sounds very balanced, highs don't sound shrill at all, only complaint is the bass is a bit loose - but that might be more of the openback (2/3 openback rather than 1/3). imo sounds great for classic rock, jazz, country, blues. Modern rock - not so sure - having a rather vintagey amp drive the speaker.

I have to reserve some opinion on it since my reference is to a Marshall AVT50 speaker of different impedance - I'm guessing that the increase in drive, less tightness, less headroom is more of switching from a 4 ohm speaker to an 8 ohm speaker.

And yes, this amp sounds way better with the speaker change. Less headroom, but finally I can drive the amp! :twisted: