I'm with option 1. Since Chris has been the liaison for us, I suggest that he settles the payment through paypal with Brian. Just let us know when they're in stock.

Ok with you Chris?
And to lessen the hassle of collection of money for Chris, I suggest that we split the collection of money into 4 groups: North , East, Central, West like what Shredcow and SpaTan have suggested. Each group will have a rep, who's responsible for:
1) Collection of money
2) Transfer the money to Chris
3) Collect the Tremol-no when they arrive from Chris
4) Distribute the Tremol-no to their respective group
A big group meet up is fun and all but it's gonna impossible to gather everybody as all of us have different schedules. That's why i suggest this little hierarchy. Less people will facilitate the process. Easier to manage too.
Is everyone ok with this? If it's ok, all we need to do is state where we live and nominate/volunteer a rep.
Tremol-no Buyer List:
1. Shredcow (EAST)
2. Blackmoo
3. Kank_39 (EAST)
4. mjr
5. snuffleupagus
6. Karloff
7. almondx
8. The-Warlord
9. Paulo
10. Dric
11. Ragetone(EAST)
12. RazrAsh
13. Vaiyen
14. Wizard
15. Souljah
16. satch
17. SpaTanS(TOA PAYOH)
18. unsane
SpaTan: can you choose which portion of the island you belong too? Because Toa Payoh is kinda in the middle of the east, north and central.