Tonefactor Cream Pie Deluxe


New member
love the simple / classy design...

waiting to hear some clips on it. apparently a low-med OD w/o fuzz...

anyone managed to get one yet? let me know how it sounds...thks!

nope. can't even find it on the webbie. emailed brad to enquire. will know tomorrow earliest i guess...

just trawled some other forums and realized first batch was shipped out like 2 days ago i hoping to hear some clips soon...
:lol: MAN!

You've been snooping around I see?

I wonder what its supposed to be like... Tonefactor has a place for a TS-type od i suppose.
Heh.. fibredrive, we could meet up for you to try it out if you want. I'm waiting on mine (shipped out on wednesday). :D
yep..109.hahaha..apparently mine's the 8th one.
Should be coming in next week or the week after latest, barring any delays from USPS.
Heh fibredrive, drop me a pm or something.. I lost my previous phone so I lost your number. I don't have good recording hardware.
benwen, seems like the GAS is stronger on your end!

maybe not. haha. sigh. meet up soon! think shredcow wants to do a mini-gear convention again. =)
ahaha.... some things to try some things to try!

Seems like the Cream Pie Deluxe ain't on TGP yet, prob on TF's boards...
haha.. I didn't get the tele kenneth. Got bitten by the les paul bug.Waiting on a nice 'paul to come around. Got any lobangs or suggestions? :D