Tone is everything <fight starter>

that is like opening up a can of worm

just play the instrument, write music, be happy and get on with life.

a traditional guitar player will never understand how white/pink/harsh noise can be an art form and a normal listener will not probably notice much about the

Tone pursuing is a waste of time as long as no music is created or trying to sound like your idol :lol:
hmmmmm... very subjective topic. i guess everyone have ears for difference in good/bad tone.

anw, my fav:

ulta fuzz mayhem
- touch me i'm sick (mudhoney)
- j mascis tone in "Bug" (dinosaur jr)

- last two songs in "Measured By The Richter Scale" (stompin' ground)
- Restam of Bushmen when performing live

guitar hero types
- Van Halen "Balance" album
- Steve Lukather "Candyman" album
- Neil Zaza's "Staring At The Sun" album, and the last time i saw him performed live here
- Andy Timmons "That Was Then, This Is Now" album

jazz/fusion types
Scott Henderson in "VTT2" album
Charlie Hunter's first 2 albums
John Scofield "Uberjam" album

Lenny Kravitz's "Circus" and "Are You Gonna Go My Way" albums
Bob Marley's "Live" album
Tones...hmm...I like lotsa different kinda tones...
I would like Jimi Hendrix's tone when playing "Red House", Eric Clapton's tone when playing "Layla", Gary Moore's tone when I`m playing "Still got the blues", Richie Blackmore's tone when I'm playing "Smoke on the water", Slash's tone when I'm playing "Sweet Child O Mine" Did I jus sum up my idea of tone? :)
Key to Great tone.

Alright, heres a lo down to a great tone.

At the very basics u have to knw wat kinda tone u wanna achieve. personally i detest multi effects unless u wanna copy sounds or if u have a horrible sound creativity.

when it comes to tone creating. u need a reasonably gd guitar. who cares abt a fender or a ibanez. although i wont deny they're gd guitars dat come wif the package of gd sound and body. but gd sound frm a "branded" guitar doesnt contribute much to my knowledge and experience. (been playing lead and ryhthm for 7years ++ wif a Samick Flying GT)

** for guitar make sure the neck is gd dat don bend
* gd strings for the guitar.
* gd pick ups
* a gd amp
* an effects rig ( of course wif gd arrangement )
* and playing techniques

as for me im doing wonders and great wif my Samick Flying GT, JackHammer Distortion Pedal, Boss Chorus, a Morley Pro Series 2 Wah.

this is how i rig up,

Guitar -> Wah -> Dist -> Chorus -> Amp

den juz aply arnd wif it and ur there!

Happy Playing
if you want to have good tone, learn to play with dynamics and buy a nice-sounding guitar. and don't ever buy a metalzone. even if you think it's the best sounding thing on earth. the metalzone is the devil's manifestation on the mortal plane.

the best way to get really wholesome, "nice" tone is to pick up a really nice guitar, plug it into a nice amp(ie, a tube amp such as a marshall plexi), and set every single knob on the amp to the 12 o'clock position (ie, pointing straight up). then go from there in whatever direction you please.

of course, tone is subjective; assuming "good" tone implies clarity, power and nuance:

"good" tone:
mike einziger (incubus) on a crow left of the murder
john scofield on uberjam and up all night
george benson pretty much all the time
matt bellamy (muse) on absolution
glenn (surreal) on the fingerpointing ep (listen to the leads, they sound very nice)

"bad" tone that works:
just about any noise-rock band that you might like
smashing pumpkins
led zeppelin

"good" tone that does not work:

"cool" tone:
tom morello

"cheesy" tone (that may or may not work):
yngwie, vai, satch, eric johnson..pretty much any virtuoso player
guns n' roses

straight up terrible tone:

keep in mind that i love all the bands/artists that i have listed.
Re: Key to Great tone.

Lamborghini_Murcielago said:
when it comes to tone creating. u need a reasonably gd guitar. who cares abt a fender or a ibanez. although i wont deny they're gd guitars dat come wif the package of gd sound and body. but gd sound frm a "branded" guitar doesnt contribute much to my knowledge and experience. (been playing lead and ryhthm for 7years ++ wif a Samick Flying GT)

Have you tried playing a really good guitar? You should... then come tell us if it rocks your world. ;)
I'm really glad Jeff beck is mentioned..

Many times, people got confused the difference between timbre and tone.. be sure which one are you working on.. Both are important.
what's with the last few replies containing "gd guitar", "nice-sounding guitar", "gd strings" even!

If there were such stuffs around, there's no point having a thread about what is good tone. Everyone would clamour for the "good" stuffs that u'd mentioned and all of us would have the same "good tone". Anyway, some great tones to me would be along the lines of Andy Timmons, SRV, BB King, Petrucci & Van Halen...remember it's not just your equipments.
timbre contributes to the type of tone right? i think the quality of the sound (timbre) from ur guitar would affect ur overall tone in some ways...

thus, the importance of the type of wood ur guitar is made up off... :wink:
Well... you can get all the good stuff... hi end stuff.. and you WILL have a generic good tone, IMO. Its just that if you can't play well, then too bad, you sound bad technic wise but the tone is there.

Then there are the special ppl who know/can enhance the generic good tone with their fingers... note, different from phrasing and playing style... tone only.

You can get the exact same rig as Steve Vai.. You will get a close tone, but when you play, you will sound different, why? Biggest reason, you don't have Vai's playing style and phrasing. And... you don't have the touch of Vai that further enhances his tone to his tone.
ShredCow said:
You can get the exact same rig as Steve Vai.. You will get a close tone, but when you play, you will sound different, why? Biggest reason, you don't have Vai's playing style and phrasing. And... you don't have the touch of Vai that further enhances his tone to his tone.
WHY? why? WHY?

he calls it....


lol... yeah... :twisted:
danny gatton's (rip) tele tone absolutely rips, plus i can't for the life of me figure out what the hell he's doing half the time

gilmour has great strat tones, so does jeff beck, ej, srv...

les paul tones? billy g, gary moore, early clapton...

van halen's original brown sound to me.. is still the most awesome hard rock tone i ever heard... too bad even he can't get it any more..

i am pretty much old school in terms of equipment and tone so i find all the scooped, modern high gain mud uninspiring...

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